Al via il beta test della mascherina Razer Zephyr thumbnail

The beta test of the Razer Zephyr mask has started

The beta test of the Razer Zephyr thumbnail mask is starting

Remember Project Hazel, the prototype of Razer’s futuristic-looking hi-tech grille? Now that project has become a reality under the name of Razer Zephyr, whose launch is officially scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2021. But before seeing the mask on the market, the company has chosen to start a beta test which users can participate in by signing up directly on the official Razer website. At the moment, however, it is not yet well defined when the beta testers will receive their test mask. Instead, what seems to be clear is that the device will not have the design that we have seen circulating on the Net until today. Let’s find out more about it then.

Razer Zephyr, the beta test for Razer’s hi-tech mask is underway

The video released by Razer to announce the Zephyr bezel clearly shows a different design than that presented by the previous prototypes. The device appears to be wider and rounder compared to the original Project Hazel, to which it adds a clearly visible grille at the bottom. This could be a detail meant to guarantee one additional ventilation or a ‘voice amplification, and is undoubtedly an important addition to the original design. In any case, it will be possible to have a clearer idea about the design only when the mask actually arrives in the hands of the beta testers.

Meanwhile, it’s pretty obvious the same announcement from the test phase by the company makes the Razer Zephyr even more real. And considering the path taken by this mask, which started from an idea presented at CES 2021 and then transformed into a prototype that immediately received the approval of the public, it is no wonder that soon we could really see it on the market . At the moment, therefore, the only detail we do not know is the price at which Razer will sell the mask. But there is time to find out. In the meantime, the beta test will reveal the actual usefulness of the product, which seems to have a ‘99% effective in filtering bacteria.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.