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The Boys 4: Jeffrey Dean Morgan is in the cast, but who will he play?

For some time now they have announced that Jeffrey Dean Morgan will be in The Boys season 4, fueling the hype of the fans of the series and the actor, but his role in the series is still a mystery today, even if perhaps this time we could have some clues

We are all very excited about the arrival of Jeffrey Dean Morganan actor who achieved international fame above all thanks to the character of Negan from The Walking Dead last appeared in The Walking Dead: Dead City. It is not the first time that the actor has collaborated with showrunner Eric Kripke, their collaboration dates back to Supernaturalwhere Morgan plays the father of the Winchester brothers, one of whom (Jensen Ackles) joined the cast as Soldier-boy. This suggests that her role will be important, but let’s talk about it Erin Morartyinterpreter of Starlightwho however was careful with his words so as not to reveal too much about Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s role in The Boys season 4.

The Boys 4: Jeffrey Dean Morgan is in the cast, but who will he play?

Jeffrey Dean Morgan in The Boys 4: Erin Moriarty leaves some clues

The actress plays the superhero who goes against the grain, Annie January alias Starlight, who initially joins the Group of Seven with the desire to become a superhero and protect the innocent. But when she realizes that the group is headed by a ruthless man like Patriot, decides to join The Boys group to help them defeat the supers. Erin Moriarty, interpreter of the character, spoke about the arrival of Jeffrey Dean Morgan in The Boys season 4, whose role is still shrouded in mystery. The actress confessed that she didn’t share much on the set with the actor, but she still revealed something about the fourth season, measuring her words well:

This is a very difficult question, I have to proceed with caution. All I can say is, whatever happens, you’ll meet him in the trailer and it’s so funny, because our show has been split in two. I can only tell you about him that he is the most adorable man on the face of the Earth, I’m talking about it from a human point of view. I can’t say anything else, I care about my job!

According to Moriarty, Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s character interacted little with Starlight, who is now part of The Boys. This brings us to two clues: Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s character could be part of Vought, although it is not clear whether he will be an ally or yet another enemy of Butcher’s gang. Furthermore, if the actress remained vague, this may mean that Morgan he will be an important character for the plot. These are just hypotheses, but we can’t wait to find out the truth when the fourth season comes out. Continue to follow us on for future updates on the series and much more on films and TV series.

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Magdalena Skrok is an accomplished writer who delves into the realm of new movies and TV series. With an unwavering passion for cinematic storytelling, Magdalena keeps readers informed about the latest releases, upcoming projects, and exciting developments in the world of entertainment.