I Carabinieri sperimentano Mobile Angel, uno smartwatch per segnalare casi di violenza sulle donne thumbnail

The Carabinieri experiment Mobile Angel, a smartwatch to report cases of violence against women

Technology can play a role in lfight against gender violence, to ensure the safety of women in dangerous situations. The Carabinieri are testing Mobile Angelone smartwatch designed specifically to provide support against violence against women.

Mobile Angel, the smartwatch against violence against women

The result of a collaboration between the provincial carabinieri commands of Milano, Napoli e Torinothe foundation Vodafone Italyand several other organizations, Mobile Angel was the subject of a year-long experiment. The project, born in 2018, saw the distribution of 50 bracelets in province come Milano, Torino, Napoli e Ivrea to as many women who had reported dangerous situations.

The women involved in the trial were part of a variety of situations gender violence. As Wired reports, the cases range from having been attacked by cohabitants or ex-partners, to more complex abusive situations such as compromised relationships between patient and doctor or between mother and child.

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Mobile Angel it works in tandem with an application installed on the user’s smartphone. This connected device is able to activate an emergency alert to the police. After analyzing the results of the trial, it emerged that the device demonstrated double effectiveness. In addition to making women feel safer, the timely intervention of the police acted as a deterrent against the attackers.

The device is activated by pressing a button on the watch, but it is also capable of automatically sending an alert in anomalous situations such as falls or sudden movements. Thanks to the system GPS localization, patrols can immediately reach the emergency site. Furthermore, a call is activated to a judicial police officer, who, knowing the case, can evaluate the situation and intervene promptly.

Technology, when used in a targeted way, it can constitute a precious resource to combat gender violence. As highlighted by the deputy prosecutor Maria Letizia Mannella, it is essential that victims do not hesitate to ask for help and report dangerous situations such as stalking o mistreatment. Trust and awareness are fundamental to combat this phenomenon and to guarantee greater safety for all women.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.