La crisi dei chip potrebbe durare fino al 2024, parola di Intel thumbnail

The chip crisis could last until 2024, according to Intel

Six months after predicting that the global chip shortage would last until at least 2023, the CEO of Intel, Pat Gelsinger, change your mind. Gelsinger revealed that the shortage could finish in 2024. Let’s find out all the details together.

The chip shortage will last until 2024, according to Intel

intel toolkit

During an interview on CNBC, Gelsinger he has declared:

We believe the global semiconductor shortage will now be adrift in 2024, from our previous estimates in 2023, only because shortages have now hit equipment and some of those factory ramps will be more in trouble.

However, while this sounds a bit gloomy and bleak, it is good to point out that the “Chip shortage” it’s a general situation e constantly evolving which doesn’t hit every type of chip all the time. Indeed, some industries and components have been affected harder than others. In fact, the chips from Intel they are doing quite well. During a call to the company’s Q1 2022 earnings, Gelsinger said:

For the first time in years, Intel’s factories and our substrate supply are close to meeting our customer demand.

When Gelsinger says the shortage will extend into 2024, he is partly talking about the industry’s ability to meet demand of new products built on new lines, not just existing ones. “We expect the industry to continue to see challenges until at least 2024 in areas such as foundry capacity and the availability of tools like IDM,” he said in yesterday’s call. Digitimes recently reported that i chip manufacturing equipment suppliers I’m now behind over 18 monthscompared to six months last year.

Intel is one of the companies who is investing more in new production linesamong other things, building new factories in Ohio, Arizona and Germany, although the current timeline suggests that none of these new factories will go online until the chip shortage will not be over. The first new factories in Chandler, Arizona, they are not expected to open until 2024.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.