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The Cooler Master Electronics Show 2023 is starting, here are all the products

Cooler Masterthe brand of high-performance PC components and peripherals, announced the Cooler Master Electronics Show (CMES) which will be held in Las Vegas until January 7, 2023.

Cooler Master Electronics Show, i prodotti

Among the products that are presented these days there is the Cooler Master ORB Xan immersive multi-function station that meets different needs such as entertainment and gaming with a new level of comfort and luxury.

Cooler Master Synk X

Also presented Cooler Master Synk X, a cross-platform tactile chair that creates a new way to immerse yourself in a lifelike entertainment experience. Tactile experiences will allow you to feel what is happening in virtual reality.

There is then Motion 1the world’s first haptic-engine gaming chair developed in collaboration with D-BOX, the world leader in haptic technology.

advanced systems

Cooler Master is entering the full PC system market with three lines: Be Excellent, Be Different e Be Creative. I systems Be Excellent they excel in thermal performance with powerful CPU and GPU capabilities. Products Be Different present Shark X, Sneaker X e Mini X, which focus on individuality. The range Be Creative will launch with the limited edition Cosmos Infinity 30th Anniversary PC.

Cooler Master, what is it

Founded in 1992, Cooler Master is a brand of high-performance PC components and peripherals. From the world’s first aluminum PC case to our pioneering thermal technologies, Cooler Master is dedicated to breaking technological boundaries. Whether new builders use a PC as a means of expression, or gamers create their own battle stations to pay homage to their favorite character, Cooler Master is designed to challenge people.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.