Il Flip 3 sarà il pieghevole più venduto del 2021 thumbnail

The Flip 3 will be the best-selling foldout of 2021

The Galaxy Z Flip 3 arrived on the market at an undoubtedly lower price than its predecessor, while offering users more features. And this is enough to make it an interesting purchase for consumers. Indeed, precisely for this reason, an industry analyst said that Samsung’s smartphone will be the best-selling leaflet of 2021. And in addition to this forecast, it also revealed that the leaflet market will grow significantly in the years to come. A conclusion we had come to for a while.

Flip 3: the rise of the smartphone in 2021

Ross Young of DSCC recently shared his predictions on the leaflet market through 2026, revealing that well 819000 smartphone of this type were sold in the second quarter of 2021. Data in hand, therefore, there was a 147% increase in sales from quarter to quarter. And, apparently, further growth is expected in the third quarter of the year, with sales of 2.6 million units. But that’s not all, because the fourth quarter of 2021 could even reach 3.8 million units sold, with one growth of 450% every year. Mind-boggling figures, which show how much Samsung’s strategy in the leaflet sector has really worked.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 prezzo

“This tremendous growth is the result of the launch of Samsung’s competitively priced $ 999 Z Flip 3 and the full / multifunctional $ 1799 Z Fold 3. […] These attractive products are backed by Samsung’s $ 2 billion spending on promotions and marketing that are significantly increasing consumer awareness of foldable smartphones. ” The growth of the market, therefore, is undisputed. Indeed, Young predicts that by 2026 there will be 51 million foldable smartphone shipments. But it will not be only Samsung to take care of it, because by then Apple will also have entered the reference market.

On the other hand, however, in a few years Samsung could launch far more innovative leaflets than the current Flip 3. And indeed, the company could even decide to make the prices of its smartphones more competitive, which would greatly contribute to increasing sales. . In any case, we will see what will happen in the next few years, but the path of the sector seems to be already marked.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.