La Human Society di Vaillant: l'attenzione all'ambiente non basta thumbnail

The Human Society of Vaillant: attention to the environment is not enough

The Human Society. Inspired by Vaillant.
A name that embodies the will to build and promote a New Humanism and a sustainable future both for the environment and for people.

This is the initiative that Vaillant Group Italia unveiled last week during the grand opening of his new home. The company in fact has renovated the Tower of Via Crespi, in Milan, redesigning the spaces according to pragmatic criteria and with the aim of favoring the relationship aspects.

The Human Society

The Human Society Vaillant

“If it is true that, with a view to progress, it is necessary to get involved in the first person, then we are undeniably on the right path – he commented Gherardo Magri, CEO of Vaillant Group Italia – The Human Society is us and those who, like us, want to promote the dissemination of more ethical models of organization, life and consumption and a culture of sustainability under the banner of innovation and respect. We intend to do this through the involvement of the widest possible audience and ensure that anyone who feels moved by this urgency becomes a spokesperson for it and actively engages in launching and replicating models capable of generating positive impacts on society, individuals and the Planet. . “

But what, in essence, is this Human Society? In reality it is an approach that focuses on the value of people, the importance of participation, listening, attention to the environment and social involvement.
All this with the goal of inspiring change. Not only within Vaillant but also outside the company, involving other companies and other people.

People at the center

These principles are reflected in the renewal of the tower in via Benigno Crespi. The new headquarters of Vaillant Group Italia, for example, includes a company library which occupies a full integer and which can contain up to 3,000 volumes.

Vaillant Group italy new library headquarters

“We wanted to give a further human touch to this great initiative and to all of us the opportunity to work better – explained Gherardo Magri with pride. – For a long time I was determined to provide spaces that go beyond merely productive purposes and I therefore thought about the creation of a library capable of containing the fundamental works of literature, the classics that we should all have read at least once in our life. A wonderful place for reflection and introspection, the library is the place where time slows down, where you can stop and imagine and plan. These are elements that can only facilitate the working life and creativity of our organization. In Italy we have an incredible cultural heritage and I am firmly convinced that cultivating thought leads to change in habits and to better trace the path towards the human company we want to become. Over the years this approach has proved me right and I am convinced that good business is the direct consequence of good action ”.

Vaillant Group italia new headquarters meeting room

Also among the flagships of the new Tower the new plant solution, which today is capable of reduce about 40% of CO2 emissions and about 45% of primary energy consumption compared to the previous system.

On the roof of the new Tower we find 14 aroTHERM plus heat pumps by Vaillant combined ‘in cascade’ that guarantee maximum performance in terms of efficiency, reliability, silence and sustainability; the latter made possible thanks also to the use of the natural refrigerant gas R290 which is perfectly in line with the latest proposals of the European Commission.
To control the heat pumps, two sensoCOMFORT 720 climate control units which, according to precise logic, minimize any waste of energy and increase the reliability of the system.

A plant engineering choice to which is added the presence of a plant consisting of 336 photovoltaic modules for the integration of a supply of energy from 100% renewable sources.

In short, maximum attention to the environment but also a great focus on employee well-being. An approach which, according to what was declared by the company itself, has made it possible to increase people’s productivity.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.