Le iniziative di Apple in occasione della giornata mondiale contro l'AIDS thumbnail

The initiatives of Apple on the occasion of the world day against AIDS

On the occasion of the World AIDS Day, Apple offers new ways to support the fundamental work of (RED) in the fight against HIV / AIDS and COVID-19. Let’s find out the details together.

Apple for World AIDS Day: Apple Pay, watch faces and more


In the lasts 15 years, Apple customers have played a vital role in the (RED) fight to end AIDS through support for the Global Fund, the body that provides essential access to health services in the neediest communities in sub-Saharan Africa. With COVID-19 still in circulation, the commitment to end global pandemics is more urgent than ever.

In honor of the World AIDS Day, which is celebrated today, Apple offers its customers new ways to know, dedicate onself e to donate, raising funds and raising awareness to support people on the front lines of AIDS and COVID-19.

Thanks to Apple’s support, (RED) has managed toexpand your range of action to provide additional services and assistance to vulnerable communities. Over the past 18 months, COVID-19 has spawned new challenges in accessing care, at the diagnostics and at supplies.

To overcome these challenges, Apple was one of the first companies to shift focus and resources on Global Fund’s COVID-19 Response.

By redirecting donations to the Global Fund’s COVID-19 Response at the start of the pandemic, Apple customers were able to help fund programs which have mitigated the impact of COVID-19 on existing HIV / AIDS programs.

For example in Zambia, local clinics were able to purchase motorcycles which were used to supply local communities with them lifesaving HIV treatment when in-person visits decreased due to COVID-19.

Support efforts to end HIV, AIDS and COVID-19

This year, Apple offers its users even more ways to support (RED) and its important work. This means that you too, through devices e accessories (PRODUCT)RED ed Apple Pay, you can do your part.

  • New devices and accessories (PRODUCT) RED: iPhone 13 (PRODUCT) RED, iPhone 13 mini (PRODUCT) RED, and Apple Watch Series 7 (PRODUCT) RED. A portion of the proceeds from each (PRODUCT) RED purchase goes directly to the Global Fund to fight AIDS. Until the end of next year, half of the proceeds from (PRODUCT) RED purchases will be redirected to the Global Fund’s COVID-19 Response.
  • From today to December 6, Apple donates $ 1 to the Global Fund for every purchase made with Apple Pay on the official site, in the Apple Store app or in an Apple Store.
  • Users can show their support for (RED) right from their wrist. On the official website there is a selection of six watch faces for Apple Watch in rosso that they can download. Once downloaded, you can share them with the Face Sharing feature with other users.

Spread awareness

To increase the visibility of World AIDS Day and the ongoing effort to eradicate HIV / AIDS, hundreds of Apple Stores are coloring theirs logos O shop windows of red.

In all Apple services, the company also offers various ways to inquire about pandemic e to honor those whose lives have been affected. The App Store is highlighting Positive Singles, a dating app that connects singles living with HIV / AIDS and sexually transmitted infections. The app also provides advice e resources for those recently diagnosed.

In the United States, Apple Books will highlight collections of books and audio books on the global fight against HIV / AIDS and fiction books from around the world. Apple Podcast will instead feature content that examines it state of the global AIDS crisis. Finally on Apple Music, subscribers can listen to one curated selection of music programs, radio episodes and more in a special collection created to raise awareness on World AIDS Day.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.