Apple testa diversi prototipi di iPhone pieghevole thumbnail

The iPhone of the future may have a self-healing display

The iPhone of the future may have a self-healing thumbnail display

Folding smartphones are now considered the new frontier of the sector market. But it must be considered that these devices are the exclusive prerogative of Android manufacturers. At least until now. According to some patents leaked on the Net, in fact, too Apple would be working on a display autorigeneranteperhaps to be used on an iPhone in the near future.

Self-healing display, the latest from Apple

A leaked patent on the Net shows Apple is working on one special self-regenerating materials for a display, which could allow you to quickly repair it from scratches and small dents. If so, this means that the Cupertino-based company is making an effort to address one of the biggest concerns regarding foldable smartphones, namely their poor durability. Especially considering that the problem of flexible materialsas a rule, is that they are susceptible to scratches, which is a considerable problem.

display autorigenerante

Currently, Samsung is trying to compensate for the durability problem by making flexible materials as strong as possible to compensate for the possibility of accidental scratches. Apple, on the other hand, will not work to make the display scratch-resistant per se, but will instead develop a technology for minimize the effect some scratches after they are made. A trick that should allow the display to maintain the maximum degree of flexibility. And that will help solve another big folding smartphone dilemma, the fold of the display. By making it self-healing, therefore, the Cupertino company could have good opportunities to conquer the sector market. But will he make it? And above all, could we really use a regenerating display?

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.