Il punto della situazione sugli eSports in Italia: un mercato in costante crescita thumbnail

The Italian Esports Observatory launches a format to encourage interaction with companies

A new initiative is born, promoted by the Italian Esports Observatory (OIES), which consists of a format aimed at networking between private companies and operators in the export sector. The project is called Meet & Business which – as Luigi Caputo and Enrico Gelfi, founder of OIES explain – “will bring supply and demand even closer, and will allow market growth”.

There are many companies that have already joined the initiative, which confirms the state of health of an ever-expanding sector. After all, that of esports is a market that marks a constant growth, year after year, affecting very different market segments. Competitive gaming in fact offers important opportunities, but being a territory that is still relatively “virgin” in Italy, there are many companies that are not yet clear on how to invest in the sector. This is why Meet & Business, which thus aims at greater interaction, with a single keyword: networking.

Meet and Business: the new initiative of the Italian Esports Observatory

The Meet & Business project is aimed at those companies and brands that want to understand all the marketing potential offered by the export sector. They will therefore be meetings based on brainstorming and constant analysis of the market. Instant netwoking in short, partnerships of different realities ready to work together for a common goal. Meet & Business is presented as a unique format in Italy, an accelerator of knowledge, exchange of value and evaluation of the potential of a market not yet fully understood. Everything will start on 7 Junethrough specific calls with companies, through a calendar available here.

There are currently ten companies involved in the initiative. Realities very different from each other: from automotive to IT security, obviously passing through renowned brands in the gaming sector. There is even delivery, after all the gamers involved in a tournament (or spectators who are following a competition) certainly cannot go out to dinner. In short, the opportunities are extremely varied. Here are the ten companies that have joined the initiative:

  • Lamborghini
  • Bakeca
  • MSI
  • Garmin
  • Acer
  • Uber
  • Kaspersky
  • RAI
  • Aprilia
  • YouTube

“With Meet and Business we open a new horizon in the Italian export scene – they comment Luigi Caputo ed Enrico Gelfi founder of the OIES – One of the great limitations of the sector was the lack of knowledge of the objectives sought by companies. Not only that, there was also a lack of a system that would allow brands to get to know the market through hints and ideas. With Meet and Business we have created all this, an instant networking format that will bring supply and demand even closer, and will allow market growth “.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.