L'Osservatorio Italiano Esports presenta le attività e i risultati del 2021 thumbnail

The Italian Esports Observatory presents the activities and results of 2021

Recently in Rome, at the law firm Disfigurewas presented on first social report of the Italian Esports Observatory 2021. The OIES thus becomes the first organization in the Esports sector in Italy to publish a detailed account of activities in the export market. Let’s find out all the details together.

OIES publishes the first eSports 2021 social report

The publication of the first social report of the OIES represents a important step forward for Esports in Italy. This is in fact the first time that an organization in the sector decides to report to their partners, enthusiasts and the market in general the outcome of his projects. The objective of this first social report is to account for the work of the Observatory to the stakeholders clearly and transparently.

Presenting the OIES social report was Louis Caputo, CEO Sport Digital House and Founder of the Italian Esports Observatory. He contributed to the development of the social balance sheet CMAa member agency of the Observatory specialized in reporting in the field CSR. The main activities of the OIES have been divided into three strands: training, disclosure e Research, networking ed events. Below we present some salient data referring to 2021 taken from the reporting document that was presented.

Highlights of 2021

Within trainingthanks to the courses in Esports Business e marketing Advanced Esports Programme e Esports for Businessin 2021 they were formed 65 new operators in the sector. These operators, in turn, have witnessed 22 masterclasses held by 20 teachers.

Out of 46 applicants, they obtained theOIES Badge 33 sector operators, divided into 11 agencies, 5 teams and 17 consultants. The OIES Badge is the first attestation documenting the consultancy skills of Esports and gaming operators. Thanks to this certification, the Observatory has set a new quality standard for the market, identifying operators who, in addition to a training course, have demonstrated have consultancy skills to assist companies in Esports-themed projects.

Furthermore, together with the training activity, the OIES has also combined Jobs in Esports. It is a placement program dedicated to people who have trained with the Observatory’s programs and who have been accompanied into the world of work thanks to interviews with OIES members.

In this way, the Italian Esports Observatory has created a virtuous path which pushes its members to approach realities of the sector in which to insert themselves. The same, thanks to this highly qualified staff, have been able to fill resource gaps in business, marketing and communication.

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As far as research and dissemination activities are concerned, the Observatory has released 4 market research on the state of Esports in Italy and 12 marketing papers. The OIES then drafted and published 8 report su reputation, business e other aspects of esports. They have also been published too 2 Legal Manifestos for Esportswhich will soon be followed by the publication of the third edition.

The OIES in 2021 shared with its members 170 newsletter and published 75 press releases which they spawned beyond 400 publications in sector and non-sector publications. According to the data, moreover, during the year they were organized 6 dissemination webinars on Esports trends. This significant amount of research and outreach work has contributed to greater awareness of industry opportunities.

In addition, the Observatory has organized both virtual and physical events aimed at networking and business growth in the sector.

The first category includes theEsports Business Showdown. It is an online event aimed at promoting the meeting between companies and business partners from the Esports world, where 18 companies they listened to an audience of 50 interlocutors between teams, sports clubs, agencies and law firms. Then there is noEsports Legal Forumwhich with the participation of 100 participants represented an important moment of discussion on the current regulation of the sector.

Instead, it belongs to the second categoryEsports Business Day, a physical event that took place on 22 September 2021 at the Rimini Fair. The event dedicated to training and business matching involved 15 investor companies in 20 one-to-one meeting opportunities, 10 speaker, 5 media partner e 100 total participants.

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Finally, the OIES has listed the improvement actions which it intends to pursue both in the short and long term. These are actions that have the purpose of resulting in a growth of the Observatory and, consequently, of the whole Italian export sector. Luigi Caputo, the founder of the OIES, said:

“With the publication of our social report we have created a new standard for the market. Since our first day of activity we have believed that this sector should be open, democratic and transparent. The gaming world is made up of millions of enthusiasts who place their trust in the realities operating in the sector. We felt an urgent need to report the impact of our activities to them and to all our stakeholders, to establish the climate of trust that is essential for an emerging sector such as Esports. We believe and will always support that this market must be accessible to all, and that all players in the supply chain have equal dignity and opportunities. Only in this way will we be able to bring Italian Esports to a level comparable to that of other markets. We hope that our social report will create a precedent that can be followed by other companies operating in the market, in order to communicate an open and transparent sector”.

L’Italian Esports Observatory is the first B2B network in Italy that brings together all the operators in the sector for training, dissemination and networking activities. It is a spin-off project of Sport Digital Housea digital agency focused on the sports sector that develops innovative funnel marketing strategies for companies using its network of athletes and Esports teams.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.