L'ultima beta di iOS 15 rimuove automaticamente i riflessi indesiderati dalle foto thumbnail

The latest beta of iOS 15 automatically removes unwanted reflections from photos

Apple is preparing to launch its next operating system this fall iOS 15 for millions of iPhone users and beta versions are increasingly stable and close to the final release. L’latest beta version of the update brought an extremely important improvement: improved the way iPhones take and process photos under certain lighting conditions.

The latest beta of iOS 15 improves unwanted reflections from photos

The camera hardware inside the iPhones plays a significant role in the quality of the photos that users can take with their devices. But another factor that affects the quality of the photos is the image processing process performed byImage Signal Processor o ISP dell’iPhone.

In the latest beta of iOS 15‌, Apple seems to have improved processing images under conditions where the reflection in the lens is sometimes an unwanted artifact. The change was first brought to light on Reddit and further publicized by the popular app Halide su Twitter.

Two photos side by side appear to show that Apple now removes lens flare from photos during post-photo processing on the latest iOS 15 beta. The photo below shows the initial shot on the left and the final shot on the right with no lens flare, so without reflection.

latest beta photos iOS 15On the right, the post-produced photo from the iPhone. | Photo Credits: Reddit.

Apple has not indicated or commented on this change in iOS 15 and we don’t know why. What we do know is that the latest beta could improve the system that the “iPhone” uses to detect different internal and external scenes. And it seems to use that information for compensate for and remove unwanted reflections on the lens.

A Reddit user pointed out that he could see a noticeable lens flare after taking a photo on his iPhone 12 Pro. When they looked back at the image later in the day, however, he noticed that it was automatically removed from the photo.

All that remains is to wait for the official release of iOS 15, in a few weeks, to find out if these improvements will also be brought to the stable release.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.