I gadget più sorprendenti del CES 2024 di Las Vegas thumbnail

The most surprising gadgets of CES 2024 in Las Vegas

CES in Las Vegas proves every year that the technology can make our lives easier in many different fields. To the CES 2024 Unveiled, which inaugurates the fair by showing some of the most particular and interesting innovations on display in Nevada, we saw that every product can become smart: from cat flaps to strollers. And then wearable robots, apps that help blind people and much more. In this article we tell you about the tech gadgets that most impressed us at CES 2024 Unveiled.

CES 2024: the tech gadgets that surprised us at CES Unveiled

At the beginning of the year, Las Vegas fills with technology. Between startups and multinational companies, anyone with an innovative idea shows it off at CES. The event CES Unveiled opens the fair by piquing the interest of patrons, with table after table of surprising technological products.

There could have been many alternatives, but we have chosen eight products that surprised us: some of the most interesting tech gadgets of CES 2024.

Flappie, the intelligent flap for cats

flappie cat door ces 2024 tech gadgets

If you have a cat that has the habit of bringing unwanted “gifts” into the house, Flappy it’s the solution you’ve been waiting for. It is a cat door that lets your feline friend enter without problems if his mouth is empty. But if he instead wants to bring birds or mice that he has caught into the house, blocks the entrance.

The integrated camera, in addition to enabling Flappie’s artificial intelligence, allows you to record videos of your cat when it tries to enter. From your smartphoneyou will be able to understand what he had in his teeth and why Flappie didn’t let him in: you can set notifications and watch videos.

Oorion, the app that helps blind people find objects with their smartphone

oorion app for the blind ces 2024

Oorion is an application that you can already find on your iPhone’s App Store, a tool that can help blind or visually impaired people. Voice activated via Siri, uses iPhone cameras to recognize objects in a room.

Artificial intelligence can find the object that users are looking for: among the stalls at CES Unveiled was able to easily recognize a bottle. Sound feedback and the iPhone’s vibration let you know when to approach. And the AI ​​also provides a description of the object and communicates whether there are other things ahead, to help pick it up easily. And there is also an option to describe all the elements of a room.

You can also do this for writing. For example, you can search for “shampoo” or “Orange juice” to find the right packaging. An example of how AI can make the lives of blind people easier.

Tech gadgets: the “macrowave” arrives at CES 2024

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You all know what a microwave is, but only among the tech gadgets of CES 2024 can you find a “macrowave”. The startup Revolution Cooking He developed Macrowave, an oven that uses proprietary technology InstaGlow.

The oven combines the cooking modes of a classic oven, a microwave oven and an air fryer. And the Revolution Cooking team explained to us that thanks to alloys that heat up much more quickly and allow the radiation from the electric oven to heat up faster than the microwave one. In this way, when you choose the type of dish you want to cook from the display, you can find the right mix of technologies for food cooked quickly and to perfection.

MotionSleep, much more than a pillow to stop snoring

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Con Motionsleep the company 10minds it won the CES 2024 Innovation Award, proving to be among the best tech gadgets we saw at Unveiled. This “sleep system” has several elements. First of all, a machine that listens to your breathing during sleep and understands if you are snoring. The air cushion, based on these analyses, inflates and deflates to gently move your head until you stop snoring.

To these two elements we also add a smart ring which measures blood oxygenation and other physiological parameters which, together with the analysis of your breathing, can tell you how you are sleeping. And help you do it better, to wake up more rested every morning.

Tech gadgets at CES 2024: ORo, the robot that plays and keeps your dog company

ORo gadget robot ces 2024 tech

Do you have a dog, but are you often away from home? ORo, awarded among the most innovative products of CES 2024, is a robot that plays with your four-legged friend. It recognizes your dog and, based on the times and other restrictions you have set by the app, understands when to play. Throw the ball, which your dog will then bring back, leaving it on the robot’s “back”.

ORo also gives a kibble to your dog to reward him for bringing the ball back, so you can train him even when you are away from home. An all-tech solution to keep your pet entertained.

Kahe Pod 600, the portable boat engine that becomes a “missile” for snorkeling

kahe pod 600 gadget tech ces 2024

However, if you love water sports, nothing is more versatile than Kahe Pod 600. This is an outboard motor for boats, which you can use for inflatable boats, stand-up paddle boards and kayaks. But you can also attach handles to drive it like a scooter, for snorkeling without any effort.

You can use it to move a boat along the coast, and then go underwater to explore the seabed. All without polluting: it is battery powered and It has an autonomy of up to six hours. A perfect companion for those who love the sea.

Tech gadgets CES 2024, the wearable robot for walking: WIM

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No, we’re not wearing weird suspenders: WIM (which stands for “We Innovate Mobility”) is a wearable robot that helps you walk. The motor, positioned in the belt, activates the levers and assists the walking movement. If you accelerate, the power of the machine increases automatically. An aid especially for elderly people who want help walking, but also useful for those who walk a lot at work (perhaps visiting a fair like CES Unveiled).

There is also the reverse functionality: Levers can make walking more difficult, great for training. When we activated this mode at the fair, we almost risked tripping: the levers make every step more tiring. The WIRobotics team explained to us that this feature helps improve leg muscle mass much faster. And the smartphone app could not be missing to analyze and monitor your progress.

The smart stroller: the most surprising tech gadgets at CES 2024

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GlüxKind it’s a smart stroller, designed by engineers who define themselves as “parents of the highest standards”. The electric motor makes it simple push the stroller even uphill, with an artificial intelligence system that locks the wheels if you stop pushing, so that the stroller slides downwards. Intelligent braking makes descents safer, and you can even keep moving the stroller even if you lift your hands off the stroller on level ground (perhaps to take a sip of water or blow your nose).

Furthermore, you can use GlüxKind for rocking boys and girls in the stroller effortlessly. There’s even a white noise machine included, to help you fall asleep. A great help for parents.

The robot that parks cars

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HL Mando won the Innovation Award at CES 2024 with a truly unique tech gadget, Park. It is a robot that automatically slips under a car, lifts it easily and moves it to park it (or, vice versa, remove it from the parking lot). By lifting the vehicle, it can rotate ninety degrees with extreme ease: there is no longer any need for “L-shaped” parking spaces.

The HL Mando team explained to us that they will not sell this solution to private individuals, but rather to car park managers and companies. We will have to limit ourselves to bringing the car to the parking area, without having to leave the keys to anyone: the Parkie robot will act as valet.

These are some of the tech gadgets we liked most at CES 2024 Unveiled. But the Las Vegas fair has just begun: we will certainly find many other innovations to tell you about.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.