La nuova linea Roomba j9+ è ancora più comoda da usare thumbnail

The new Roomba j9+ line is even more comfortable to use •

Who has tried a robot vacuum cleaner knows how much home life can change, at least when it comes to cleaning. However, it is not always perfect and there are many small aspects that can be greatly improved. And this has always been the strong point of iRobot products, introducing for example the recognition of obstacles, to avoid causing damage (especially in homes with pets). It is therefore in this direction that the announcement of the company’s news comes, from new series of Roomba j9+ to the amazing operating system. Let’s find out together what it is.

iRobot OS 7.0, to clean your house just like you would

This company has always lent great attention to artificial intelligence of their robot vacuum cleaners. This is a factor that can definitely change the user experience by correcting those small inaccuracies which at first may even make you smile, but in the long run they become very annoying.

So here it debuts iRobot OS 7.0, latest version of the operating system of Roomba products, including the new j9+. An update that takes these products a big step forward, introducing two key features, called Dirt Detective e SmartScrub.

The first is an evolution of the mapping of the house and the recognition of the function of the various rooms. This system allows you to keep track of the level of dirt in each environment, the cleaning history for each one and indirectly our habits. In this way you can create an increasingly specific and personalized plan, going forward more passes in the areas that get dirtiestbalancing the commitment based on needs and also taking care of the order of intervention (for example keeping the bathroom last).

SmartScrub instead it is the human equivalent of “rolling up your sleeves and doing some elbow grease”. In fact, in the case of areas with stubborn dirt, the new Roomba j9+ and j7+ with this new operating system will be able to intervene more decisively. The most problematic areas will see further repeated passages, with constant downward pressure. The result is one twice as deep cleaning.

The brand new Roomba j9+ and Combo j9+

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Of course at software news they are accompanied by the hardware ones, with two new additions to the line: Roomba j9+ e Combo j9+. Products that confirm the company’s dominant position, thanks to a series of key functions in addition to those illustrated above.

For example we have technology Dry Rug Intelligence, which will lift the mopping cloth above the robot if it passes over carpets. This allows you to avoid drops falling on precious fabricswhich wouldn’t happen if it were simply raised a few millimeters off the ground.

Of course, all this applies under the condition of deliver results where it matters most. But Roomba j9+ is ready to prove its worth in cleaning, with a 4-phase system combined with double rubber brushes. The robot will be able to evaluate the type of floor, adjust the cleaning power based on this and the level of dirt, recognize obstacles which is located in front (to avoid bringing dirt around the house possibly) and much more.

And then, once the cleaning is complete, he will return to his base alone. In the case of the Roomba Combo j9+ this will be the new and elegant Clean Base which adds a very useful automatic filling function for washing liquid to the refined design, new spaces for storing accessories and quieter emptying of the dust tank. Practically, the need for maintenance is reduced even further for these little cleaner friends.

The Roomba j9+ really aims high for its users

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The promise therefore is of two new products which, in combination with the new operating system, will once again lead to confirming the iRobot’s strength in this sector. And step by step i Roomba j9+ they will be able to win the hearts of their users, providing an even better experience and making everyone’s life easier. Cleaning floors becomes less and less of a burdensome task, thanks to this technology.

Roomba Combo j9+ will be available on the market starting from end of October, while the vacuum cleaner-only version will arrive at the end of November. For information on prices and pre-orders, we refer you to the company’s official website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.