La recensione di Razer Seiren BT: il microfono per le dirette on-the-go thumbnail

The Razer Seiren BT review: the microphone for live on-the-go

Have you ever heard of IRL? It is an acronym that stands for In Real Life. Or “real life“. A quick and easy way to identify all those live streams that are done outside, showing real places and people instead of virtual worlds. In recent years, IRLs have exploded, with interesting users discovering more about the world and streamers ready to accompany them on fascinating journeys around a multitude of different cities.
The problem, however, is the equipment. Live from home means being in a controlled environment, where you can stem the unexpected and any background noise. On the outside, everything becomes a little more unpredictable. It is for these situations that it is born Razer Seiren BTthe new Bluetooth microphone of the US company.

Simple and intuitive

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Seiren BT is designed to be simple and intuitive, right from the start. The microphone is small and compact, equipped with a clip that allows you to attach it to jackets, sweatshirts, sweaters and shirts without difficulty. With his 14.5 grams you will barely notice you are wearing it.

But before starting to use it you will need to connect it to your smartphone. How? In reality, you just need to press the button on Seiren BT e use the Razer Streaming app, available on both iOS and Android. A few seconds and you will be ready for the live broadcast.

With what? Most streaming apps should automatically pick up the external microphone. However, Razer recommends Streamlabs for best results, apps we actually got along quite well with.

We also point out that inside the package you will find a windproof protection and a sponge instead that you can use indoors. Our suggestion is to always carry them with youwhich allows you to quickly adapt to any situation.

Razer Seiren BT app review

Now that everything is ready … what do I do?

In reality, just go live and that’s it. But before launching into a live you can use the application to change the Seiren BT settings.
The Razer Seiren BT harnesses artificial intelligence for aadapt to external noise but you have the possibility to decide whether to deactivate the option, set it to “Low” – therefore for medium noisy environments – or to “High”, if the situation is particularly chaotic.
With the app you can also define the audio gain, activate mode a low latency and above all choose whether to activate the Sidetone. In fact, the microphone is equipped with a 3.5 mm jack in which to insert the headphones for real-time feedback on the quality and level of the audio. But be careful: by using the two protections included in the package, the jack is covered and will therefore become unusable.

The results we have achieved with the Razer Seiren BT are more than satisfactory plus you have the ability to intervene in real time by switching the app you use for streaming on the fly to that of Razer and vice versa.
But what is surprising is the noise cancellation: Even at the lowest level it really manages to clean the audio allowing the listener to focus solely on your voice.

Razer Seiren BT: Who is it for?

As anticipated, Razer Seiren BT was born for the IRL so for those who want to take their followers for a walk but in reality nothing prevents you from using it as a microphone even for direct made by the divine of your home and using your smartphone.
At your disposal you would have an ultra-compact, super-portable device sold at 109,99 €. A price that is all in all adequate considering the convenience of the product.

However, be aware that you cannot use it as an external microphone to record videos as neither Android nor iOS currently support this feature within the Camera app.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.