La recensione di Helldivers 2 thumbnail

The review of Helldivers 2: the descent into hell continues

Helldivers 2 it is the second episode of one series started in 2015. Both games were developed by Arrowhead Game Studios. Nonetheless, they share just the setting and the general objectives of the missions. Everything else was revised and improved. Our editorial team tested Helldivers 2 for you and we’ll tell you about it in this review.

An all new Helldivers

Anyone who has played the first Helldivers (and we hope there are many of us) already understands this from the trailer: the second episode has little to do with the first apart from the incessant shootingthe monsters that emerge everywhere is that we command a spaceship. Harrowhead has indeed gone from an overhead shooter to one in third person. The gameplay was simplified from the point of view of weapons (no more upgrades) but it’s become a bit more complexin our opinion, to be managed on the battlefield. The graphics section is changed radically; also because eight years have now passed. Finally, they appeared a series of internal currencies … with the inevitable microtransactions.

All things considered, we don’t feel like calling it a continuation, but we preferred to treat it as a whole new game.

Helldivers 2, what game is it?

Helldivers 2, which we see for this review, is one third person shooter which alternates moments of frenetic action on the field a planning moments on our spaceship.

The setting is that of a somewhat dystopian future in which the human race becomes the champion of freedom and democracy… imposing them with rifle shots throughout the galaxy. From this point of view, we would like to say that there are not many irons in the fire. In the sense that the inspirations drawn from can be recognized very well Starship Troopers (1997 film) and the timeless Warhammer 40.000. From the first is taken thesetting by adding some elements like enemies that aren’t just insects. Of the second one we recognize the style of the armor and weapons but, above all, the terrible one feeling of helplessness on the battlefield. Because no matter what we do… we will always be microscopic in the galaxy or constantly surrounded by enemies stronger than us.

The formula is made a little less dark by a somewhat paradoxical and somewhat ironic tone which we always find very well calibrated.

helldivers 2 map review

An intergalactic story

The story begins quite simply and, if we want, even a little abruptly. We take on the role of a cadet enlisted in the ranks of the Helldivers and we must gain effective entry by war. In fact, it’s the tutorial. At the end of the tutorial we are given a star cruiser to manage and we leave for the front.

The point is that, as far as we are concerned, the real story begins at that moment; and it is not written by the game but by the players.

In fact, and this is an extremely interesting aspect, everyone online players form a kind of army. The common goal of the army is to free planets from aliens to be able to move the front and repel the invaders. The galaxy is divided into sectors and everyone is fighting in the same sector from one planet to another. Each planet “offers” thousands and thousands of aliens to shoot at and everyone must do their part. And here the philosophy taken from Warhammer finds a home very well.

It therefore becomes perfectly normal that you connect for the first time and are on our map of planets that have already been liberated. Furthermore, the story proceeds even when we are not connected. So, non-regular players might miss something. But maybe not because it’s there an entire galaxy to liberate and there is no shortage of aliens.

helldivers 2 recensione gameplay

Helldivers 2 is not a casual game

We want to say it; Helldivers 2 is a challenging gameespecially if you prefer solo action.

The preparatory part is simple, perhaps even banal. In missions the gameplay is done very well con fluid movements e lots of options for combat. The controls are comfortable and functional, although we found the system for calling support from the ship in orbit a bit inconvenient (stratagems).

The problems come, however, when you start shooting. When the Warhammer influence comes out in full force. The weapon magazines they are a bit limited. Refill halfway burns residual rounds and while it charges you are very exposed to the enemy. Finally, it shooting in motion penalizes definitely the action. So, in the middle of battle and completely surrounded, take all these factors into account takes some practice. In addition to this, we must also add that when we arrive body to body… better not to give ourselves too much hope.

Therefore, get yourself some friends to play with. We know it’s not easy right away and be ready to do a good number of respawns.

helldivers 2 review ok

The start was a bit uphill

The version on which we did this review of Helldivers 2 is the one for PS5. We noticed some small smudges in some movements, but otherwise everything seemed fine to us. Those who play on PC, from what we read in the various forums, didn’t have the same idyllic experience and complains about some crashes.

However, let’s take into account that developing such a complex game it’s not simple at all. So, when thousands of people begin to hammer mercilessly at every point it is normal for some cracks to emerge. It shouldn’t happen, but it can happen and it happens to many. The important thing is that the developer team is already working at full speed to put everything in place and ensure that this game has the level of quality it deserves.

We are confident that within a week or twothe situation will also improve a lot for those who play on PC.

Helldivers 2 review in brief

Helldivers 2 is one third person shooter That is inspired by classics very respectable by adding a pinch of irony with a Definitely spectacular implementation. Like all newly released games suffers from some bugs but we are sure it will be fixed quickly. We would like to recommend it above all to those who want to spend time on it either because of the non-trivial difficulty, or because the story evolves with the missions of all players seen as an army. Of course, to fully enjoy it it is advisable to leave immediately. Waiting to find it obvious exposes, in our opinion, the risk of losing the thread a bit. The price of 40 euro, all in all low for a production of this level, also comes across a bit. Helldivers 2 is available on both Playstation 5 and Steam.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.