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The Sandbox teams up with Arianee to introduce the Metaverse Ready concept

The Sandbox teams up with Arianee to introduce the Metaverse Ready thumbnail concept

The Sandbox allies himself with arianee to introduce the concept of metaverso with Metaverse Ready. In a world that offers more and more hybrid experiences, i two pioneers of technology join forces to offer users the first service ever that unites asset reali e virtual through solutions NFT. Let’s find out all the details together.

Metaverso: The Sandbox ed Arianee presentano Metaverse Ready

The Sandbox 3

The immersion of the metaverse adds another layer to user experiences; for this reason the NFT brands and collections desire offer a continuous experience e uninterrupted. One of the most exciting possibilities is the Metaverse Readyor the ability to insert an NFT relating to a real asset in the metaverse.

The concept is simple: if you own a NFT in real life, you can get the corresponding one in The Sandbox and vice versa. Brands that create NFTs on both platforms will be able to offer them to their customers through a simple interface.

It is a two-way street that connects the real world to the metaverse and vice versa.

The possibilities are infinite e limited only by creativity of brands. The latter will be able to mix physical offers, digital, experiential and much more. During the spring we will discover the brands that will decide to take advantage of this incredible service.

Sebastien Borget, co-founder and COO of The Sandbox, said:

The avatar represents the main landing point for users to enter the metaverse. Owning your own identity and expressing yourself by bringing your favorite brands from the physical to the digital world and reliving that sense of belonging to your avatar in the metaverse will be an element of strong attraction. We are proud to collaborate with Arianee on this aspect and to join the association to work with some of the best brands in the world.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.