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The Sims 4 My Wedding preview: let’s discover the new Game Pack

Through a delightful wedding invitation, Electronic Arts invited us to a rich preview of The Sims 4 My Weddingthe new Game Pack from The Sims 4 dedicated to the most special day of our Sims. Since its debut, The Sims has paid great attention to love (and Fiki-Fiki) and the situation is about to get even more romantic! As the title suggests, the new Game Pack will open up a whole new world on Sim wedding and we can’t wait to tell you more. So here we are at the preview of The Sims 4 My Wedding pending the release of the Game Pack scheduled for February 23rd.

Our preview of The Sims 4 My Wedding

The Sims 4 My Wedding will allow us to organize like never before awesome wedding with lots of new items, clothes and functions dedicated to this special day and its organization. When two lovebirds have decided to take this important step, we can in fact organize every element of the weddingdall’stag / hen parties, pre-wedding dinner, from the location to the cake and much more. Cordial toasts, speeches by the guests and group dances will dominate while the young couple officially seals their love. For the less pretentious instead, it will be possible to get married in the town hall without too many ceremonies and still living a life together in the name of love. The amount of elements available is pleasantly high and the specific theme of the Game Pack, it seems to make it extremely rich despite affecting only one area.

During the preview, we had the opportunity to observe the gameplay of The Sims 4 My Wedding for about an hour, during which the producers of the Game Pack organized the preparations for a wedding. Planning the happy event is incredibly stressful! It will be necessary to organize every element in detail to make that day truly magical. Luckily we will have a whole new scenario to make a romantic setting for all of this. We are talking about Tartosa, the new neighborhood full of picturesque places, a fantastic beach and sumptuous ballrooms to celebrate the best. There are also lots created by the Sims community perfectly in line with the theme.

To all this is also added a delicious local shop to choose the formal dress, suits and tuxedos. From here we enter the new Sims wardrobe enriched, of course, with elegant, traditional and modern dresses, as well as the typical dresses of Hindu brides, for a themed wedding. Last but not least (it should be said), here is also there pastry shop where to choose and customize your cake among dozens and dozens of combinations and options, decorations, tastes and much more.

Love is in the air tonight

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The wedding rite itself is a riot of new animations, objects and atmospheres. At the beginning of the ceremony, guests will gather in front of the wedding arch without wandering around the lot thanks to a special, fantastic interaction (available with the new update for all) that instructs the Sims to stay in their place. At the fateful “yes”, we obviously have the possibility of throw the bouquet to some lucky bridesmaid, or cut the cake with your new soul mate and then off, dancing on the dance floor with all your family and friends.

The Sims 4 My Wedding Coming Soon

The preview of The Sims 4 My Wedding has allowed us to discover many new features that you can also see in the latest dedicated Livestream (in the video above). We can’t wait to find out even more in The Sims 4 My Wedding review that you will soon see on our site!

The Sims 4 My Wedding will be released on February 23 on PC and Mac via Origin and Steam, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.