Elon Musk: l'accordo con Twitter "non può andare avanti" finché non mostra le statistiche dei bot thumbnail

The Twitter vs Elon Musk trial will begin on October 17th

Twitter vs Elon Musk trial will start on October 17th thumbnail

Finally there seems to be a date for the processo Twitter vs Elon Musk to the Delaware Court of Chancellery. Earlier this week, Tesla’s CEO team proposed the October 17 as a probable date. And Twitter immediately accepted, placing the condition that the trial could be concluded in five days. Therefore, the judge Kathleen McCormick immediately issued an official program, with the process starting on the 17th and ending on the 21st of October.

Twitter vs Elon Musk: the trial finally has an official schedule

The Twitter vs Elon Musk issue is by no means simple, and we know it well. Finding an effective date for the start of the trial was incredibly complex, with Twitter lawyers pushing to go to court in September and Musk’s lawyers even wanting to postpone everything to 2023. Yet, finally, the two sides seem to have found a agreement – also very good -. The company and the entrepreneur will be in court on October 17th, and will conclude the trial on the 21st, as Twitter has explicitly requested that this last a maximum of five days.

On the other hand, it is clear that the company wants to deal with the matter as quickly as possible. Just in these days, in fact, Twitter has accused Elon Musk of being responsible for the bad results of the profits of the second quarter of 2022, much lower than those of the previous year. To resolve the issue, the company has decided to increase the cost of Blue’s subscription, but this may not necessarily be enough. Being able to find an agreement with the entrepreneur, therefore, could be the only useful solution to raise the platform. But we will have to wait until October 17th to know how this story will end.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.