Il design (non ufficiale) dell'Apple Car mostrato in un nuovo rendering 3D thumbnail

The (unofficial) Apple Car design shown in a new 3D render

British leasing firm Vanarama has begun to envision what the design of the long-awaited Apple Car might look like. The inspiration of the designers of the English company came from iconic products of the “bitten apple”, such as iPhone, MacBook and others that were then combined with real Apple patents. This mix resulted in a series of 3D renderings showing both the exterior and interior of the Apple Car

Apple Car’s purported design is based on an SUV

As Apple remains mysterious about its plans to soon launch its self-driving electric car, the Vanarama concept is, of course, speculative. The same company claims that the model is inspired by an SUV is based on actual patents filed by Apple.

apple car design

The Apple patents mentioned include, for example, the way the seats rotate fully to transform the interior into a living space and a postless design for easy access.

Other areas inspired by patents deposited include vehicle doors, which offer greater flexibility for passenger movement and loading, with tilting windows that increase headroom when entering the car.

The internal features (already patented) obviously include the Siri voice assistant integrated into the steering column (based on a patented intelligent automatic assistant) and a seamless and fully customizable dashboard and navigation screen.

apple car design

The designers, as mentioned, were also inspired by existing Apple products: then we find the retractable door handles that resemble the buttons of the iPhone and a grid similar to a network that “apes” the circular vents of the Mac Pro, complete with a glowing logo that was featured on previous MacBook generations. The matte white finish has been a popular color scheme since the iPhonu‌ 4 was launched in 2010.

Apple Car, 2025 the year scheduled for debut

The patents do not guarantee that the Cupertino company will soon introduce an “Apple Car”, but they do provide evidence that the company is researching vehicle development. In addition, many rumors suggest that Apple is preparing to wholesale cars.

Last month, Bloomberg announced that Apple is continuing its work on its own car and aims to create a fully autonomous vehicle. Reportedly, Apple wants to design a car without a steering wheel or pedals that leaves the driver with his hands free. But that doesn’t mean they’re not yet thinking about including a steering wheel, which may be needed for people to take over the car in an emergency.

apple car design

Usual insiders suggest the Cupertino company intends to launch its car in four years, making the suo debut around 2025. Whether Apple is able to achieve this will depend on its ability to develop a fully autonomous driving system, hoping in the meantime. not to lose other engineers engaged in this ambitious project.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.