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TikTok doesn’t work in all of Italy: the app was down for most of the morning

TikTok doesn't work: the app has been down for most of the morning thumbnail

“TikTok doesn’t work”, wrote thousands of users in all languages ​​of the world on Twitter, and in fact the app was down for most of today’s morningThursday 9 March 2023. This is also confirmed by the numerous reports collected by Downdetector, the platform that collects the disruptions of the main digital services.

TikTok not working? What do we know about this morning’s down

According to Downdetector, in Italy, the peak of reports was recorded around 11:20. Around this time users were able to log into the app, but found themselves unable to watch videos. In fact, the most common report was “I can’t see the videos”. What seemed like a national downturn turned out to be a global disservice, resulting in the hashtag trending on Twitter #TwitterDownwhich is still collecting complaints and memes in these hours.

At the time of writing this article, the problem seems to have been resolved for most users, although some reports continue to arrive on Downdetector. We can expect a definitive fix in the next few hours.

At the moment it is not clear whether the down is due to a technical problem or is somehow related to the international disputes that are enveloping the Chinese platform. TikTok is in fact at the center of a strong public debate, both in the United States and in Europe. In the USA a bill was presented yesterday to ban its use for all citizens. Meanwhile, the social platform has announced the Series feature, which consists of paid videos just like on OnlyFans

  • Mark Brunasso

    Writing is my passion, music is my life and Liam Gallagher my God. Otherwise I’m 30 and a musician, singer and songwriter. Here I mainly write about music and videogames, but everything that has to do with the creation of parallel worlds fascinates me. 🌋From Pompeii with love.🧡

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.