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TikTok towards ban in the USA: the House approves the law

Il possible TikTok ban in the United States is approaching: the US House of Representatives has approved by a large majority a law that may ban the app from being used in the countryunless parent company ByteDance does not sell the platform within one year.

The US House approves the bill for the possible ban of TikTok

The House law confirms what has already been expressed in the American Senate: either ByteDance sells, or it will be banned in the United States. Citing possible links between TikTok and the Chinese Communist Party, US lawmakers think the app could collect data on US citizens and spread propaganda.

TikTok has always denied these accusations, that date back to the Trump administration. That I attempted to ban him, which was then stopped by a federal judge due to the possible repercussions on freedom of speech.

The Chamber's decision, however, is not surprising. In March 2023, CEO Shou Zi Chew was questioned for 5 hours by Congress about the app's security. In January, the Senate summoned the CEOs of the major social networks to discuss the risks to minors. But with Shou Zi Chew, senators and representatives once again discussed possible ties with China.

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The law approved in the House is part of the military and humanitarian aid package for Israel and Ukraine. It is not unusual for different measures to be combined in the same package of laws in the United States. But this choice demonstrates that the Chamber sees the TikTok ban as a matter of national security.

The law will now pass to the Senate. President Biden would be ready to sign it, but TikTok could challenge its constitutionality — just like in the case of Trump's ban.

The TikTok game in the United States is not over yet. But the ban is approaching: it seems that the social company will have to defend itself in the judicial courtsbecause Congress is upholding the ban.

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.