TIM raggiunge la carbon neutrality dei propri siti web thumbnail

TIM achieves the carbon neutrality of its websites

TIM manages to reach the carbon neutrality of its websites. The society zero CO2 emissions generated in 2021 by the commercial and institutional sites of TIM and the companies of the Group. Among them we find Noovle, Olivetti, Sparkle, Telsy, Kena Mobile and FiberCop. We are talking about ben 900 tons of greenhouse gas equivalent neutralized, corresponding to 127 tours of the world by car.

TIM reaches carbon neutrality

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TIM has reached the Carbon Neutrality of their websites thanks to a international project to protect over 28 thousand hectares of Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The Group has in fact chosen to support the More REDD +, a project that promotes the conservation of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The project makes use of the monitoring of illegal deforestation and the involvement of local populations to preserve the biodiversity of flora and fauna.

TIM will also support in the spring two forest redevelopment projects in Italy to increase urban green areas and to generate services for the territory. The first in North Park of Milan. Here society will plant 80 new trees in addition to the 70 of last year which in an average life cycle of thirty years, will contribute to the absorption of about 50 tons of CO2.

The second in Umbria, where TIM will support a project for the management of the “Forest of Città della Pieve-Piegaro”.

The initiatives of the TIM Group to combat climate change

The neutralization of emissions generated by websites is part of the TIM Group sustainability strategy. The company hopes to achieve full Carbon Neutrality by 2030. By 2024, the Group aims for enrich the product offer e eco-sustainable services with 15% green smartphones. For 2025, energy will be used exclusively from renewables, eliminating indirect emissions.

For more information you can consult the official website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.