Tinder presenta il suo Year in Swipe 2023 thumbnail

Tinder presents its Year in Swipe 2023

The report Year in Swipe Of Tinder chronicles the world of online dating for 2023, offering an overview of the trends, vibes and pop culture that have influenced the world of dating. The year saw users focus less on the fate of relationships and more on the opportunity to have experiences memorable.

Tinder Year in Swipe 2023, the world of dating in statistics

With a generally atmosphere positive and optimistic2023 saw the emergence of an attitude “always on” also represented by the use of the 🔛 emoji on Tinder, which symbolizes the attitude of singles in wanting to continuously put themselves on the line. Female pop stars like Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus e Rihanna they have played a crucial role in connecting people and expressing the vibrations of the new generations.

The year saw i singles fully embrace the “main character energy”, becoming the protagonists of their own stories. The focus is no longer on achieving a “happily ever after”, but rather on interesting events to talk about.

Tinder presents the Year In Swipe 2023 report

The presence of the mentions “Really” (which stands for delusional, literally “delusional) in the users’ bios highlighted an optimistic but conscious mentality in respecting one’s desires and the red flags in relationships. Singles have tried to better organize their time for relationships, with more than 50% who cited “quality time together” as a love language.

Melissa Hobley, Chief Marketing Officer di Tinder, comments: “It’s really exciting to discover, thanks to Tinder data, that 69% of Gen Z want to challenge conventional norms when it comes to dating and relationships. This year, in particular, we have witnessed a radical change in the importance given to the path compared to the result. This new generation of daters is showing us what it means to date someone based on their potentialfreeing yourself from traditional expectations and allowing yourself to write your own stories of value, in first person”.

More information on the Tinder website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.