Top Goose debutterà su Nvidia Studio thumbnail

Top Goose will debut on Nvidia Studio

Su Nvidia Studio will debut Top Goosethe first accelerated short film with the collaborative editing tool Omniverse Machinima. Inspired by one of the greatest flying movies ever made, and by the authors’ favorite birds.

Top Goose arrives on Nvidia Studio

A creative team rewrote the rules of flight: Dane Johnston, Dave Tyner, Matthew Harwood and Terry Naas. All part of the team he worked on Top Goose. A project that shows the creativity of the authors, capable of making a legendary film more fun.

But that also demonstrates the power of Omniverse Machinima. The tool allows you to animate and shape virtual characters and environments. To do this, they had to work on an important list of applications, resource libraries and tools. As todobe Photoshop, Autodesk 3ds Max, Autodesk Maya, Omniverse Audio2Face, Omniverse Cloud Simple Share Early Access, Omniverse Machinima e Omniverse Nucleus, just to name a few.

The authors were able to collaborate on NVIDIA Omniverseone of the main tools of the software suite NVIDIA Studio. Finishing the job in just two weeks.

“This is the first major project I have done in which I have never been hindered by complex and lengthy processes. With Omniverse, everything worked and it was really easy to use, ”he said Dave Tyner.

The Top Goose project is just one of the numerous shorts already invited to the #MadeinMachinima competition. This initiative encourages creators to animate a cinematic story with the Omniverse Machinima app. And is giving away an NVIDIA Studio laptop with RTX acceleration ,. You can apply until June 27, at this address.

Technology at the service of creativity: what’s better? Maybe just geese racing in military jets.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.