Tornasole è la lampada smart di Casarialto che monitora la qualità dell'aria thumbnail

Tornasole is the Casarialto lamp that monitors air quality

Tornasole is Casarialto's smart lamp that monitors air quality thumbnail

Litmus is the new result of the combined work of Casarialto Atelier e BreathGeneration Collective Observatory of Air Quality. It is a particular lamp that combines the art of hand-blown glass and the characteristic Casarialto signature with the advanced technology of a system capable of monitoring air quality. Here is how this particular lamp works which represents an example of how design and technology can combine to create a truly unique piece of furniture.

Tornasole is the lamp that monitors the air quality of Casarialto

The project is really interesting. Tornasole is the lamp made by Casarialto which, thanks to the technology guaranteed by a laser and bio sensors, is able to monitor air quality in real time. The project bears the signature of BreathGeneration Collective Observatory of Air Quality and can count on the hand-made Casararialto blown glass. Thanks to link to an app it is possible to monitor different air parameters and obtain feedback directly from the lamp. The real-time analysis of the air will allow you to accurately monitor the quality.


The lamp has a spherical shape with the addition of two branches and a chromed base which is also the seat of the air quality detection. Litmus is capable of change the color of the light emitted according to the data collected in the air monitoring. If the air quality is good, for example, Litmus paper will emit a green light.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.