Trainline introduce Satispay tra le opzioni di pagamento offerti ai clienti thumbnail

Trainline introduces Satispay among the payment options offered to customers

Trainlinethe leading European app for booking train and coach tickets, announces the possibility for users to purchase their tickets via Satispaythe innovative mobile payment system that is an alternative and independent of traditional credit and debit card circuits, which makes payments extremely simple and convenient.

Satispay is among the payment options of the Trainline app

From today, Trainline users will be able to complete the purchase of train and bus tickets on the Trainline website and app (both on iOS and Android devices) by paying with Satispay: to complete the purchase, just choose Satispay at checkout and confirm the payment request which will be immediately notified on the app, without the need to enter further confirmation codes.

The implementation of the new payment method represents an important addition for Trainline and demonstrates attention towards Italian users: thanks to this novelty, in fact, the company will be able to reach a even wider pool of potential customers thanks to the collaboration with one of the reference players in the safest and most reliable mobile payment systems in our country.

Satispay Electronic payments

The word a Stefano De Lollis, Online Business Development Director di Satispay

“The synergy with a young and technological brand like Trainline excites us. Not only because the integration of Satispay on Trainline will make the booking experience even easier, offering a payment solution that best meets the needs of Italian travellers, but also because it is another step in our constant commitment to help define of new mobility habits” he comments Stefano De Lollis, Online Business Development Director di Satispay.

“Habits that can make cities and people’s days smarter and which it is essential to support by making access to transport simple, complete and frictionless, from the selection and booking of the trip to the payment. This is exactly what the combination of Trainline and Satispay services generates”.

What is Trainline for?

L’Trainline app allows its users to search, book and manage train and coach travel in one place by bringing together millions of routes, fares and timetables from 270 railway and coach companies in 45 countries, offering customers the best price for their smart, real-time trips and travel information. Trainline’s goal is to make rail and coach travel easier and more accessible by encouraging people to make more environmentally sustainable travel choices. Trainline is available for iOS and Android devices.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.