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Traveling by electric is convenient, that’s why

L’estate is upon us and many tourists choose to travel by electric. Almost the 70 percent of the more than 14,000 interviewed in a study by Elementenergy would rather drive an electric car than a combustion engine one if access to the charging infrastructure was easy.

That's why traveling by electric is convenient, source DepositPhotosThat’s why traveling by electric is convenient, source DepositPhotos

Con around 500 stations and 2400 charging points in 24 European countriesi, IONITY currently offers one of the largest and most efficient high power charging (HPC) networks in Europe. The ultra-fast charging network is constantly expanding: new areas, additional charging points, photovoltaic shelters and services such as shops and restaurants that optimize the charging experience. And innovations like Plug & Charge make long-haul journeys with electric cars easier than ever.

Excellent coverage of the most popular destinations for the summer

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As a European charging network, IONITY already covers popular tourist destinations such as France, Italy, Germany and Spain. With a total of 123 active charging stations and 576 charging points, France leads the way in terms of fast charging infrastructure. In Germany, the most popular charging stations have been upgraded, with the addition of new charging points. In Italy thanks to the new stations IONITY of Affi and central Italyit is now possible for the first time to reach the most popular tourist destinations on the lakes, on the Adriatic coast and in the south, from Naples to Sicily, by electric car.

For all those travelers who intend to top up more than twice on IONITY during their trip, the new subscription fee could be worth it IONITY PASSPORT. The subscription combines a low monthly fee with a fixed discount per kWh and can be canceled at any time with one month’s notice. The IONITY PASSPORT can be easily booked on the IONITY smartphone app. The top-up prices can be displayed transparently on the IONITY website and app.

That's why traveling by electric is convenient, source DepositPhotosThat’s why traveling by electric is convenient, source DepositPhotos

Planning can make all the difference during peak season

In the summer months of July e August, IONITY to see triple the number of charging sessions per day compared to the other months of the year. But on weekdays and off-peak hours, early in the morning or late in the evening, there tends to be less traffic at the charging stations. That’s why careful route planning could prove important in optimizing travel times.

This also includes optimizing the charging start process to quickly continue your journey. Charging can be started via the app for smartphone IONITY or through the RFID Card previously requested. In any case it is important to authenticate yourself and save the credit or debit card details for the payment in the respective profile before departure, if possible.

By far the fastest and most convenient way to recharge the battery is with the Plug & Charge: IONITY is one of the first charging operators in Europe to offer Plug & Charge technology. Once the connector is inserted into the car socket, the vehicle automatically authenticates itself at the charging station and carries out the charging and payment process. The prerequisite for this method is that the vehicle is equipped with Plug & Charge technology and that the feature is activated. Activation can be done via update or by the dealer.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.