TSMC: dal 2025 arrivano i chip a 2 nanometri thumbnail

TSMC begins production of 3-nanometer chips

The producer of chip taiwanese TSMC will start production of processors a 3 nanometers this week. The primary customer for this technology will be Apple, for the new chip processors and i Mac that for the iPhone.

TSMC begins production of 3-nanometer chips

This new technology is nothing new. The foundries of Samsung started producing chips with the 3-nanometer process as early as Juneto then send the first delivery and announce the result on July 25 of this year.

But given TSMC’s long list of clients, among which Apple stands out, the news reported by DigiTimes has a major impact. On December 29, in fact, the production of the chips that Apple will use, in all probability, also for the next ones will begin SoC M2 Prowhich will bring up MacBook Pro e Mac Mini.

apple m3 3 nanometri tsmc-min

In addition, it seems that Apple will also focus on the 3-nanometer technology for its next computer chips M3as well as for the A17 Bionic of the next iPhone Pro. Apple currently uses 4-nanometer chips for iPhones, so many experts are expecting a major generational leap into the next generation.

The first to arrive, however, will be the M2 Pros, which could debut on the 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pros as early as next year. DigiTimes has in fact explained that, although the production of 3-nanometer chips begins in just two days, it will not reach mass production until the launch of the Cupertino laptops.

Apple has a long-standing ties to TSMC for chip manufacturing, so much so that Samsung’s faster timescale to 3-nanometer chip production hasn’t changed the maker’s mind. Also because after the construction of the chip plant in Arizona, also inaugurated in the presence of Apple’s Tim Cook, TSMC seems to have consolidated this relationship.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.