TSMC: dal 2025 arrivano i chip a 2 nanometri thumbnail

TSMC wants to produce chips in Italy (and invest 10 billion)

TSMC wants to land in Italy e invest 10 billion euros for the manufacture of microchips in our country. In fact, it seems representatives from Taiwan have initiated dialogue with the Italian government to build a chip factory in Italy.

TSMC wants to produce chips in Italy

TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) is the first company in the world in the sector, with a capitalization value of 470 billion dollars. P.produces semiconductors for leading technology companies such as Apple e Qualcomm, a true protagonist of this world. And that will grow even more in the coming years.

The growing demand for chips and the problems to the supply chain due to the pandemic first and then to geopolitics have convinced the Taiwanese company tonvest closer to the target markets. Indeed he wants to open factories in Japan and in Arizonabut also in Europe: Italia e Germania would be the two candidates.

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The investment from 100 billion dollars in three yearsi, already launched in Japan and the USA, is also arriving in Europe. Italy and Germany are in contention, first and second manufacturing in Europe. But it seems that contacts with Berlin are not progressing as intended, causing the prices of Lombardy and Veneto to rise. Where the industrial density and proximity to university centers attracts the Taiwanese company.

If Rome were to convince Taiwan, TSMC would put an investment of 10 billion euros on the table. THE direct jobs would range from three thousand to five thousand, not to mention the induced activities that a production plant of this size could have.

After the arrival of Intel also in Italy, with its 80 billion euro plan in the EU, another company in the chip sector is approaching. But if Intel in Italy will only manage the packaging, TSMC will combine the entire construction process. But the Italian government will have to spend: there is talk of one coverage of 50% of the investment.

The situation therefore remains uncertain but the potential is enormous. We will keep you posted.


The Corriere della Sera

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.