Twitter lancia Safety Mode thumbnail

Twitter tests the “software lock” function

Twitter tests the "soft lock" thumbnail feature

Just in these hours, the Twitter App has begun to test the first of the new features designed for user privacy, the possibility of remove a follower without blocking them. For now, the “soft lock” feature is being tested for the web, and may be made available to the public shortly. Apparently, the option will allow you to remove followers directly from the list on your profile. Like? Simply clicking on the menu indicated by the three dots next to his name, and then selecting the item “Remove follower”. By doing so, you will no longer see his tweets on your home page.

Twitter App lock software

Twitter: App tests the function to remove followers

As anticipated, the Twitter App is testing the “software lock” function with the intent of removing followers directly from users’ profiles. A very different option from blocking annoying accounts, which only prevents them from viewing your tweets and sending you direct messages. With the new function, in fact, the removed accounts will be forced to start following you to see your tweets. And they will only be able to view protected tweets if they receive your approval. By doing so, the safety of the users will be preserved by the platform.

Indeed, in this regard it must be considered that the App is also working on a new option that will encourage user privacy. Apparently, in fact, the platform could make available a function similar to that of Instagram’s “Close friends”, capable of ensuring control over tweets at the very moment of their creation. However, this is a function that will be made effective in the future. On the other hand, it is still being worked on. And for now we should be content with the possibility of manually remove uncomfortable followers, even without having to block them previously. A useful option, which will soon also arrive on the Twitter mobile app.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.