Musk: solo chi paga per Twitter Blue potrà votare nei sondaggi sulle policy thumbnail

Twitter will display the number of views under the tweets

Il view count of the tweet will appear prominently below i post su Twitter, according to what Elon Musk has announced. Early adopters are seeing this new feature, which should soon be rolling out to everyone (as is the case with video).

The number of views of tweets comes to Twitter

The ability to evaluate how popular tweets are has always been implemented on the platform: the number of comments, mentions and retweets also serves to evaluate how widespread an opinion is. The number of views allows you to evaluate how many eyes they have crossed your tweet, even if they have decided not to interact with us in any way.

Elon Musk ha tweeted saying that this feature, already present for videos on the platform, will demonstrate that “Twitter is much more alive than people think.”

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Whoever posted a tweet could first evaluate the number of “impressions” made by a tweet. However, to do so he had to go into the analytics of his account, while this new counter shows it to everyone directly.

It is currently unclear whether all users can see thethe count of views, or if only whoever wrote the post can evaluate the impact made. Since Musk fired Twitter’s communications team, there’s no way to ask for official comment, and as yet, neither Musk nor Twitter’s official account has tweeted a confident response.

The fact that Musk says this feature is “just like the videos”, where the view count is public, it suggests that it will be the same for tweets.

This feature, promised since early December, seems to want to show advertisers how many people look at the posts of companies to convince them of the possible advantages of staying on Twitter. While this was all data already available in metrics, this new feature shows the views prominently.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.