UAF, la piattaforma di "Nipoti on demand" thumbnail

UAF, the “Grandchildren on demand” platform

The startup UAF provides a platform for all over 65to find young people who can keep them company and help them manage technology: gods Grandchildren on demand. A service currently active a Milano e Bergamobut that will soon catch up Roma e Vareseand then disembark at Parma, Bologna e Torino in November.

UAF, the “grandchildren on demand” platform

The Italian population is aging: for the‘Istat 23% of the population is over 65 years old. Of these, 32% live alone: ​​over 300,000 in Milan alone. The UAF startup therefore wondered how to create a grandparent-grandchild-style bond to keep company over 65s.

An algorithm favors the match coupling an over 65 with an under 35 based on common intereststhe. Strolling in the park, playing chess or cards. But there will also be technology courses. In a relationship that creates the possibility of a generational exchange that enriches both.

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Cecilia Rossithe thirty-year-old co-founder of UAF together with her childhood friend Matteo Fiammetta, explains: With UAF we aim to bring value to all the actors on stage: elderly people, who find a young and vital company far from the classic caregiving of carers; at families, who often fail to give the elderly the time they deserve and who have reliable and safe allies in their on-demand grandchildren; to the nephews, which are enriched by the experience of the elderly; at the community in a broader sense, which thus rediscovers a human bond that is sometimes lost in big cities. “

Over a thousand grandchildren are part of the community, with tons of stories to tell. From those who learned how to make pizza with an ex-baker, to grandparents who learned how to use WhatsApp. Not even to mention the incredibles intergenerational Buraco team.

The grandchildren, who have experience in the social sector and are carefully selected, receive a period of training with qualified psychologists. And Rossi explains: “Thanks to collaborations with companies, we can recognize the grandchildren a contribution for each hour of companyat the same time keeping the price controlled for the elderly “.

To ‘book’ a nephew you have to call the number +39 3519289518, answer a questionnaire with the help of the staff and choose the right grandson. The first meeting is free and the phone call makes it easy for the over 65s to manage everything. Find more information here.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.