vivo pubblica il terzo white paper sul 6G thumbnail

vivo publishes third 6G white paper

Il vivo Communications Research Institute publish his terzo white paper sul 6G. It is titled “Building a Freely Connected Physical and Digital Integrated World: 6G Services, Capabilities and Enabling Technologies”. And it focuses on what enabling services, capabilities and technologies we will be able to see with the next generation of telecommunications.

vivo publishes third 6G white paper

6G and related technologies according to vivo experts could change the way we see the world from 2030 onwards. In fact, they will enable a mix between the digital and physical world. But at the same time they will require the construction of new architectures. To allow the connection of hundreds of billions of devices.

vivo thinks that 6G will bring together communication, calculation and sensors in one system. An integrated 6G network will connect humans to each other, but also to machines and even machines to each other. Hundreds of billions of connections to be enabled by 2030.

futuro 6g white paper vivo min

The 6G will also allow you to activate a immersive mixed reality and holographic communication and multisensory. But to achieve these goals will require an increase in data speed, latency, reliability compared to 5G.

6G will be able to converge mobile networks and processing as well the interaction of data between domains and AI-native networks. So a revamped system architecture design will be needed. Integrating sensors and communication will also improve network artificial intelligence. Going to reduce costs and increase flexibility.

According to vivo’s report, evolution Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO), Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) technology and new waveforms represent the most interesting research areas for this type of technology.

To learn more you can read the live white paper “Building a Freely Connected Physical and Digital Integrated World: 6G Services, Capabilities and Enabling Technologies”. You can download it here.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.