Vision Pro di Apple ci farà chiudere in casa con la VR? thumbnail

Will Apple’s Vision Pro lock us indoors with VR?

Apple has started selling its latest novelty, Vision Pro. And on social media, we immediately saw images and videos of people wearing headsets on the subway, in the park, everywhere. But Vision Pro is made for outdoor use or, as the founder of Niantic Labs, will Apple’s viewer make us spend more time at home and in the office? Is it augmented, virtual, mixed reality? And what kind of future will it bring with it?

Apple Vision Pro: will the viewer lock us in the house? According to Niantic, the risk is there

The founder and CEO of Niantic Labs, John Hankerecently shared his thoughts on the launch of the mixed reality headset Apple Vision Pro. While Hanke praises the advanced technology and the step forward it represents for the industry, he also expresses concerns about the possible negative impact it could have about the very essence of augmented reality (AR).

For Hanke, the Apple’s Vision Pro it is undoubtedly a “technological marvel”, capable of bringing virtual and augmented reality into the hands of a wider audience. But also capable of opening the door for developers to create high-quality applications. However, it draws attention to aspects that could make the device “potentially terrible”.

John Hanke CEO e founder Niantic Inc minJohn Hanke CEO e founder Niantic Inc

One of Hanke’s main concerns concerns the possibility that the Vision Pro drives the development of screen-centric experiences, similar to virtual reality (VR). And, above all, that this may move away from the original essence of AR. Instead of aiming to create lighter AR glasses, suitable for life outside and geared towards live interactions, we will be looking at a 4K virtual screen. Limiting interactions with others.

The current transition phase, according to Hanke, is in one “middle ground” between converging technologies, with VR devices on one side and AR glasses on the other. Artificial intelligence can become a key to overcoming this intermediate situation. According to the CEO, it could make products like Ray-Ban Meta glasses smarter and more useful.

A crucial point Hanke raises concerns app distribution in this new AR world. The choice between a closed system and an open web-like approach could significantly influence the trajectory of AR. Hanke advocates support for the technology WebAR (Web-based Augmented Reality)rather than Apple’s more closed approach.

The position of one of the most well-known AR developers (Niantic launched Pokémon Go, Harry Potter: Wizard Unite e Pikmin Bloom) makes it clear that Vision Pro can make a difference. But perhaps it can push towards a “world” that is more VR than AR, more indoor than outdoor. What do you think about it?

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.