Con Instagram Live Producer le dirette si trasmettono da desktop thumbnail

With Instagram Live Producer, live broadcasts are broadcast from the desktop

Instagram is officially testing the tool “Live Producer“, So as to allow broadcast live from desktop using streaming software such as OBS, Streamyard and Streamlabs. “We are always working to make Instagram Live a meaningful place for shared experiences – said a spokesperson for Meta -. And now we are testing a way to allow broadcasters to broadcast live using streaming software with a small group of partners. ” As far as we know, in fact, the tool adds production functionality outside the traditional phone camera, including additional cameras, external microphones and graphics tools. So let’s find out what it is.

Instagram Live Producer, the tool to broadcast live from desktop

With “Instagram Live Producer” there will be the possibility to broadcast live from the desktop, choosing a streaming partner software of the platform. As you can see in the image below, just open the software to insert it Streaming URL and key, which will allow you to implement the software itself directly on Instragram Live. Once everything is configured, just open the desktop version of Instagram, click on “Add post” and select the “Live” option from the drop-down menu.

Instagram Live ProducerCredits: Meta

At this point, it will be possible to give a title to the video in the “Go Live” screen, where it will also be possible choose the target audience. By selecting the “Practice” option, the live broadcast will not be broadcast to anyone. Conversely, the “Public” option will allow you to start a Live that will be able to see all your Instagram followers. Once everything is set up, a screen will appear containing the unique URL and the streaming key, with instructions on how to use them. And within the Live Producer you will be able to see a preview of how your live will look on Instagram. And finally, when you want to interrupt your live broadcast, you can do it directly from the tool – before the software -.

Finally, it will be possible view and reply to comments only from the Live Producer. As for the other features – such as Shopping, Fundraising and Live Rooms -, the tool does not seem to provide any support at the moment. Beyond this, Instagram declares that there will be the possibility to view, share and download the live stream within the Live Archive, which you can also access from the mobile App. Having said that, now it remains only to understand when the tool will actually be made available. For now it is in the testing phase, but we are sure that Meta will not think too much about it before officially launching it.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.