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Yarix: in 2023 scams will cost e-commerce 48 billion dollars

the world ofecommerce is growing faster and faster, but second Yarix, divisione Digital Security di Var Group, scams in this sector will also increase in 2023. In fact, cybercriminals will cause more than $48 billion in losses, a 20% increase over last year’s forecasts. Especially during the period of Black Friday and before the Christmas holidays.

According to Yarix, scams in the e-commerce sector will increase in 2023

E-commerce is also growing in Italy, with rates of +16,45%. This excellent news brings with it a risk: it becomes more attractive for criminals to carry out scams. Especially in times of boom in online sales: Black Friday.

Mirko Gatto, CEO of Yarix, explains: “Crime is a phenomenon that evolves with the evolution of society: it is therefore not surprising to note that an increase in traffic on e-commerce also corresponds to an increase in the action of cyber criminals. According to data processed by the Swedish fintech Klarna, the volume of online sales in the week of Black Friday 2022 recorded exponential growth compared to last year (+130%) with increases of +204% in the period 21-24 November“.

Ransomware Italy to the world

A growing risk

Gatto continues: “Technological progress also brings with it a greater diversification of the types of cyber-crimes, which now range from the most common financial frauds to the most sophisticated Man-in-the-Middle cases. To also intensify the dissemination of “guides”, available on the dark web, on how to hack e-commesrce, make refunds or fraudulent shipments or engage in social engineering activities. A growing phenomenon that needs a new approach that promotes not only legal actions, but also a culture of safety and attention from all the players involved in the growing e-commerce phenomenon”.

According to Gianluca Zanini, CEO of Kleis, a company in the Digital Security division of the Var Group which also deals with computer fraud related to digital payments, the threshold of attention must be increased. “The culture of safety also includes continuous and constant monitoring of one’s bank transactions, not just when we suspect something is wrong. Fraudsters rely on just this kind of levity. The starting point must always be the critical sense”.

I trend del 2023

In 2023 we will therefore see a growth in social media scams, with several hackers who will create fake accounts to scam. And then it will still increase the phishing, by email or messages. Also uphill online payment fraud and mobile device hacking, which contain useful information for scams of all kinds. And they will even grow fake online shops, to which are added the fake Telegram channels for purchases.

The most common fraud will remain that of Credit card, stealing data from users to make purchases. But the scams of the gods will also grow Refunds: from those who will create fake receipts for refunds up to ‘bricking’, in which a product is returned after having disassembled it and stolen important materials (think of a PC without a processor).

Also, pay attention to all attacks by Ingegneria sociale: phishing, vishing (with a phone call) or smishing (with an SMS). It will also increase the scam of the Swap SIMtaking advantage of people’s uncertainty about the new regulations: be careful and if you notice anything suspicious with your network (even after a reboot) call your carrier.

For more information, visit the Yarix site.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.