"Siete insetti": l’inquietante campagna pubblicitaria di Netflix crea scompiglio nelle stazioni ferroviarie thumbnail

You are insects: Netflix's disturbing campaign in train stations

On a morning like many others, the commuters of railway stations in Rome, Bologna and Milan they were greeted by a message as unexpected as it was disturbing: “You are insects”. This phrase, which suddenly appeared on departure monitors and on imposing advertising panels, triggered a wave of concern among travelers and a fervent debate on social media.

The “You are Insects” campaign in the stations is not a hacker attack

Many, faced with this scenario, feared the worst: a hacker attack, an act of terrorism, or even a sign of an imminent alien invasion. However, the reality was very different and decidedly less alarming. These images, which quickly made the rounds on social media, were actually part of a promotional campaign orchestrated by Netflix for its new series, The 3 Body Problem.

The series, which draws inspiration from a famous trilogy of science fiction novels, tells of a message sent by the inhabitants of a distant planet, the Trisolarians, to humans. A message which, contrary to the classic peaceful extraterrestrial greeting, sounds like a threat.

And while speculation multiplied online, the truth emerged clearly: there was no real danger, no cyberattack, just a bold publicity stunt and a reminder that, if the Trisolarians were truly on their way to Earth, they are not expected to arrive until 400 years from now – at least according to the series' narrative.

So, while real life continues undisturbed, it is already possible to watch The Three-Body Problem on Netflix.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.