YouTube come Shazam: arriva la funzione Discovery per riconoscere le canzoni thumbnail

YouTube like Shazam: the Discovery function arrives to recognize songs

YouTube like Shazam: the Discovery function arrives to recognize thumbnail songs

Currently being tested for an extremely limited number of users, Discovery is the new feature of YouTube which aims to compete with the hugely popular Shazam. Just like the famous app owned by Apple, Discovery will allow you to recognize songs heard in YouTube videos and Shorts.

What is YouTube Discovery, the alternative to Shazam to recognize songs

In reality, as it is presented, theYouTube’s new feature may be even better than Shazam. The latter, in fact, allows recognition only if the sound source is the same as the one in the catalogue. This means that Shazam cannot recognize a song that is hummed or performed livebut only from the original artist recording.

Discovery seems to go beyond this limit, promising recognition even by “humming” the melody. A feature that will therefore most likely make use of artificial intelligence to identify the songs and return the results.

At the moment the new feature is only in the testing phase and not much is known about how and when this will be implemented on YouTube and YouTube Music. Meanwhile, to kill time, we suggest you read the incredible story of Shazam that we have told you here. Did you know that the service was launched in 2002 and worked via SMS? And that Drake is the most shazammed artist in history?

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.