YouTube Premium testa un nuovo modo per guardare i video a velocità 2x thumbnail

YouTube tests real-time like and view counts

YouTube tests real-time thumbnail like and view counts

YouTube introduces new features on the Android app: the platform of streaming video Of Google introduces the real-time counting of likes and viewswithout needing to refresh the page.

YouTube experiments with counting likes and views in real time

Currently, the app YouTube are Android shows counts of I like and of views, but these numbers remain static as the video progresses. However, the new addition introduces a real-time update Of I like e views through a’dedicated animation.

This dynamic display and thelike counts animation remains both during the reproduction that in break. L’animation it persists even when you move on to another app and then we go back up YouTube.

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Despite this change, none exists official communication from YouTube about this functionality. Moreover, it seems that this experiment is limited only to a specific section of users Of YouTube all over the world. This functionality, therefore, not everyone can try it. But in thread relating to experiments and at testing functionality Of YouTube are Reddit several users discuss it.

Other experiments recent ones include the introduction of a smaller button to skip the adsas reported Android Police. This buttonnow renamed “Salta“, seems to be the subject of a broader relaunch, after initially being tested in a limited way since last August. YouTube continues to evolve – and users don’t always welcome the changes.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.