Un anno di Zity in Italia, com'è andata? thumbnail

Zity, the car sharing service turns one year old in Italy

It was June 2022 when the world of car sharing in Italy welcomed Zity by Mobilize, which debuted in the city of Milan. Now a year has passed since the launch in our country of this 100% electric player in this sector and it is time to take stock. The results, however, are before everyone’s eyes and there really is something to celebrate. And start making some ambitious plans for the future…

Zity car sharing, between Milan and Europe

There are four cities in which this company operates. Game from Madridhas expanded over time to reach Lyon, Paris and indeed Milano. And given the reception it is receiving, it is not surprising that the possibility of further expanding geographically and perhaps reaching other cities in our country is being evaluated…

The one offered by Zity is a car sharing service that follows the so-called modality free-floating, that is characterized by the presence of cars around the city. To access them every user can easily take advantage of a smartphone app and unlock them. Payment is by the minute, making them an ideal tool for short and immediate trips.

Beyond comfort, it’s a way to improve mobility in a sustainable way. If the sharing model already makes it possible to make better use of vehicles, optimizing the use of resources, Zity’s choice to operate with 100% electric models makes this approach even more effective. And the numbers confirm this trend.

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In fact, according to what is calculated, the debut of Zity in our country has prevented well 500 tons of CO2 to enter our atmosphere. All with an impact also on noise pollution and consequently on the quality of life of the Milanese. Little stepsbut which placed one after the other can take you really far.

So, what does the data tell us?

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But let’s see some numbers of this first year of car sharing in Milan for Zity. Naturally, it starts with the subscribers: over 70,000 people this year they are approaching 450 vehicles in the fleet. Particularly impressive is the number of daily rentals, which amounted to around 1,300 on average. The peak was reached last February when they were there 2,900 rentals in sole 24 ore.

The standard duration of the rental is about 35 minutes, while that of the stand-by mode it’s about 10 minutes. This is a very useful function for those who have to make short stops: you can keep the car stationary and pay a reduced rate for the errand time, and then return to find your vehicle where it was parked and start again with momentum.

It is important to underline the distribution by age group how many young people are there who use Zity car sharing. In fact, 88% of subscribers are in the 20-39 range, while narrowing the field further to 20-29 reveals 20% of users. Data confirming the idea that the new generations are increasingly open to these tools.

And of course the feedback from the public is also essential. The reviews of those who have used this service are clear, with one average of 4.25 out of 5 stars, but above all a percentage of 60% of those who gave the highest marks. Scores of this kind can only bode well for what will happen.

What future for Zity car sharing?

All these data suggest the possibility of a break even arriving by mid-2024 and consequently the trust is maximum. New partnerships and further fleet expansion will come, of course. This is also thanks to the introduction of DuoMobilize’s new two-seater vehicle designed for car sharing.

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Particularly relevant will be the investment in security, with the introduction of Safe Driving Pilot also in the Milan fleet. A tool that allows you to improve driving performance with advice and monitoring, which has already had great results. He explained it Thiago FigueiraGeneral Manager of Zity in Italy:

“Safe Driving Pilot, introduced in Madrid in 2022, has reduced the accident rate in our fleet by 51%. It is a fundamental function that is based on the implementation of safety systems that allow dangerous accidents to be “anticipated” and to inform the driver“.

Figueira himself commented on these results:

“More and more users rely on Zity car sharing and this is demonstrated by the evaluation of over 60% of new members who have rewarded the services of a full electric fleet with an average of 4.25/5 stars. A figure that does us credit and adds to the almost 4 million kilometers traveled so far, for a daily average of 11,000 km, without using fuel“.

If you are curious about learn more about car sharing proposed by Zitywe invite you to visit its official website.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.