Zuma: la luce che fa risuonare tutta la stanza thumbnail

Zuma: the light that makes the whole room resonate

Music is a part of life for many of us. From the spread of mp3 players, then through smartphones and the birth of streaming services such as Spotify, Deezer and Tidal, listening has become almost uninterrupted for many. This has led to an ever greater search for quality in every aspect, as well as the development of ever more innovative solutions. For this we went to visit the Audiogamma headquarters, one of the most important realities in the audio field, to discover the most intriguing news. We found many intriguing ideas, including extraordinary wireless speakers and fascinating musical spotlights…

Zuma’s musical spotlights are a great idea for any room

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Let’s start from the latter, a really brilliant idea (and pardon the pun). The products proposed by Zuma, called Lumisonic e Luminaire, make up a perfect system for lighting up a room and playing music at the same time. Both are spotlights, but the first also incorporates a speaker, which you can easily connect via Wi-FI to the proprietary app and through this manage playback.

The sound comes clean straight from the ceiling, but with careful study of the setup you really get the feeling of being completely enveloped by the music. An extremely elegant solution that can adapt perfectly to the decor of a home or a shop. The installation then is particularly simplerequiring no particular commitment or connections.

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The audio as mentioned is of excellent quality, with a wireless multi-room connectivity which automatically adapts to the environment, with a 100uS streaming synchronization. Not that this is surprising, given the involvement of outstanding experts such as Morten Warren e Laurence Dickie.

Even on the side of lighting these “musical spotlights” defend themselves well. As mentioned, the Luminaire does not have a speaker inside: this is because more light points than audio are needed, to cover a room in the best possible way on both aspects. The idea is therefore to combine both according to the spaces, finding the right balance. The lights in any case are synchronized, dimmableand they can change temperature, from 2800k to 4800k, even automatically, following the time of day. Really a great product that combines design, innovation and elegance.

From Cabasse the audio is almost wireless

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Then we moved on to discover the latest news from Cabasse, returning to more traditional terrain, but not too much. In fact, this French brand has increasingly established itself in an increasingly relevant field, but that of the most conservative audiophiles they still look warily. We are talking about the wireless playback (or semi-wireless in some cases).

We have had the opportunity to test most of the range offered, going from the exceptional Pearlin its “light” version Pearl Will Come and to different configurations between Pearl Keshi e Pearl Sub. And we were definitely impressed by what Cabasse offers to the market.

While noting a certain difference in quality as the product range grows (as is also natural to expect), the level is always been outstanding. A clean sound, truly capable of enveloping us and being particularly effective in the medium-high ranges. After all, that’s exactly what inspires the particular design choice at the base of the Pearl, with the sphere identified as the best shape for that type of sound, where the singing most often moves.

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And given that not only the ear wants its part, it is right to point out that, apart from the acoustic effects, the sphericity of these products really makes them splendid to observe. An incredible design, which placed in the right domestic context can be a very useful addition. And since a good audiophile knows how critical extra-speaker factors (from listener position to room layout) are, it’s worth weighing everything into your decisions. Particular mention for the beautiful standstruly unmissable as well as functional.

Technically not all configurations of the different Cabbase products are “pure” wireless. Pearl Keshi, for example, has two external speakers connected to the central device with cables. But combined with the functionality of the stands (very capable of hiding wires with elegance), and a good thinking about positioning, the result remains exceptional. Without really sacrificing audio quality.

Between musical spotlights and wireless audio, there are plenty of opportunities to immerse yourself in audio

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If you are dealing with thefurnishing a new house, you want to redo your room for hi-fi listening or you are simply looking for new solutions for your equipment, so there are many proposals to discover. Our suggestion is visit the Audiogamma website to find all the information about the different products it offers and where to find them. A research that will undoubtedly provide you with many new ideas, including musical spotlights and wireless, semi-wireless, wired audio solutions and much more.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.