WeVoz: debutta il nuovo social italiano dedicato ai contenuti vocali thumbnail

WeVoz: the new Italian social network dedicated to vocal content debuts

WeVoz: the new Italian social network dedicated to voice contents thumbnail debuts

WeVoz it’s a new one social network “made in Italy” and entirely dedicated to vocal content. It was created by the Sicilian start-up of the same name that made the official website available, accessible from all browsers and a real preview of the application. The name of the social network comes from the union of the English word We (we) with the Spanish word Voz (voice). Let’s see the details of the project.

WeVoz is born: an Italian social network dedicated to vocal content

The new social network WeVoz focuses on voice content to attract users. Following the example of Clubhouse, the social network developed by the Italian startup of the same name aims to conquer and give space to users who will be able to have a platform to make their voices “heard”. The project is defined a real Twitter dedicated to vocal content with the ability for users to post short voice content that scrolls through the timeline via an automatic player system. The social network is also equipped with a technology “speech to text“. This is a solution that allows you to simultaneously transcribe the audio message.

The comment of the founder

He thinks about clarifying the characteristics of the project Chrisitan Di Sante, one of the founders of WeVoz, who declares: “WeVoz is a new way to be social, to communicate and relate to others in a healthy way without having to remain glued to a screen. It is the first social network that puts the user’s life at the center of the entire project and looks to the community as a goal rather than as a tool. Unlike other social networks, on WeVoz it is not the algorithm that affects the virality of a content but the users themselves who reward the most popular voices “

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.