The data from the .it Registry photograph the trend of Italian-registered domains in 2021: “For three years the national web has grown continuously, in these years of uncertainty many have been able to transform crisis and emergency into challenge and opportunity, 2022 a fundamental test bed “
550,257 new .it domain names in 2021 alone
In the year of the next normal they are counted 550.257 new .it domain names. To make it known is the Registro .it, technical body ofInstitute of Informatics and Telematics of Cnr and register of domains with Italian registration, which it detects another incredible year for .it: our local network grows by 2,24% and comes to count, in total, 3.450.337 nomi .it present online as of 31 December 2021. An excellent result especially when compared to a two-year period monopolized by the health crisis and the evident consequences on the entire social and entrepreneurial fabric in Italy.
“In recent years, more than in past years, analyzing these numbers is giving us a rather accurate and reliable overview of what is happening in general in a country that has been heavily tried by two years of pandemic – he comments Marco Conti, Responsible for the .it Registry e Director of the IIT-Cnr – If 2020 was the year of the providential and necessarily improvised landing on the network, of those who ran for cover to save their business from closures or to start new ones, 2021 is certainly the year of awareness and resilience, in which despite the uncertainties and false starts, many people have not lost heart and have continued to believe in digital as a tool for recovery and relaunch, or even just to claim their presence on the network. ”
In 2021, fewer companies and freelancers
To support this hypothesis of connection between the engagement of the network and the trend of the pandemic there is a data, that of March 2021, which would ideally link the monthly record of registrations (+60.537) at the peak of the third wave of Coronavirus in Italy and the launch of the new Dpcm, with relative restrictions throughout the country.
But not only: to count the domains registered between January and October 2021 more than 5,300 .it domains of freelancers are missing: the 18.7% less compared to the same period of 2020, a figure in line with the reports of the trade associations, which speak of about 40,000 fewer freelancers in 2020 [fonte: IV Rapporto Osservatorio Confprofessioni, dicembre 2021]. Down even the businesses, -6.3% of registrations compared to 2020. The only category that shows the plus sign is that attributable to natural persons, + 12.3% compared to 2020 and, in general, more than half (53.7%) of the total number of new registrations.
“The Italian network is experiencing a phase of ferment typical of those moments of reorganization dictated by a crisis: to make an indicative comparison, with the necessary context and period specifications, we have seen the same movement in the years of the 2008 economic crisis, with registrations of new .it growth by over 70% in three years (2008-2011) – he continues Conti – Now we could again be faced with an important bet, a precious opportunity whose main ingredients are, on the one hand, the profound change in the use of the web and on its perception in Italy, on the other hand the maneuvers of billionaire investments provided for by the PNRR for the so-called ‘Digitization Mission’. Adding these considerations together, 2022 is the ideal candidate to represent a new beginning for digital Italy as well. ”
The map of digital Italy and web domains
The study ofIIT-CNR examines the entire registry of the Registro .it and calculate theindex of the diffusion of the Internet in Italy on the base of penetration rate for each region and province, or how many .it domains per 10 thousand inhabitants.
Always looking at the period from January to October 2021, it is the Trentino Alto Adige the Region with the penetration rate highest in Italy, ahead of Lombardy, Valle d’Aosta, Tuscany, Veneto, Lazio and Emilia Romagna. Further down the southern regions, with Basilicata, Sicily and Calabria in the last three positions.
On the front of the provinces, Milano conquers the record for penetration rate, with almost 555 domains (554.8) per 10 thousand inhabitants of age, followed by Bolzano (493.8), Florence (466.7) and Rimini (452.7). Here too, the provinces of the South and the Islands are last in the rankings: all the last ten positions, with Crotone (164.3), Caltanissetta (149.9) and Enna (145,7).
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