Pezzi di storia Apple all'asta su Catawiki thumbnail

Pieces of Apple history up for auction on Catawiki

Waiting for the start of the keynote of Apple al WWDC 2022, the platform Catawiki auction some vintage pieces of the brand, give it to you iPod (recently out of production) ei Mac once upon a time. Vintage collectors and Apple fans can purchase the items from 30 May to 6 June.

Pezzi vintage Apple is all about Catawiki

Since 1976 it has begun to take its place in the world of technology, launching several iconic products in nearly fifty years. From the very first computer projects in a garage from Steve Jobs e Steve Wozniak, passing through i first iPod and iPhone in the past twenty years. A mix of technological attention and design care have made the company one of the richest ever, capable of revolutionizing information technology one product launch at a time.

Today i products from the early 2000s or older they are considered vintage and can be purchased by those who love technology. And think these products are part of our collective tech history. Fans of tech collectibles have increased by 50% in terms of pieces sold in the last two years su Catawiki.

ipod historical pieces apple catawiki min

“This” Vintech “boom may be related to an increase in demand for these products: the kids of the 90s, technology lovers, they are often drawn to cultural nostalgia and the desire to own an authentic piece of technology history. In addition, they have more money to start this kind of collections, ”he explains Toby Wickwire, Catawiki’s toy and technology expert.

With these enthusiasts in mind, Catawiki announces a week of truly unique Apple products not to be missed. Computer Apple, MacBook e iMac (from 1998 and 1999), the first iPod and iPhone. There is even theiMac Blue Dalmatiana first generation iPod and a Apple Macintosh from 1997.

In the past, a floppy signed by Wozniak for 2405 euros, a sign for Apple retailers from 1980 at 2500 euros. Even an iconic one Apple Lisa, sold for 4,775 euros.

If you don’t want to miss out on the next collector’s item, run right up Catawikiuntil the June 6 the focus is on vintage Apple.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.