Con iOS 16 sarà possibile annullare l'invio dei messaggi inviati tramite Mail thumbnail

With iOS 16 it will be possible to cancel the sending of emails

With iOS 16 it will be possible to cancel the sending of messages sent via Mail thumbnail

iOS 16 will bring several new features for iPhones and, among these, there will also be the‘update of the Mail app. Thanks to the new feature, the Mail app with iOS 16 will allow you to acancel sending even after pressing the key. This is a function that has already been present for some time in Google’s Gmail but which in the Apple app version will be much more limited. Here are the details:

With iOS 16 it will be possible to cancel the sending of messages in Mail but only within 10 seconds

Users will have 10 seconds to cancel sending an e-mail message sent via Mail with your iPhone updated to iOS 16. This feature is already present in Gmail. However, users who take advantage of the Google mail client have the possibility to extend the period to cancel the mail up to 30 seconds.

It should also be noted that with iOS 16 it will also be possible schedule the sending of e-mails later via the Mail app. Also in this case it is a long-awaited function that fills a gap in the application’s functionalities. With these updates, therefore, Apple aims to make its Mail client even more usable by offering its users more precise and reliable tools.

Recall that iOS 16 will arrive as an update (for all iPhones starting from iPhone 8) in the course of next autumn and will be pre-installed on the new iPhone 14. The first public beta of the operating system will arrive over the next few weeks.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.