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Would Sony like to acquire Square Enix?

In the last few years Microsoft e Sony have taken major steps in expanding their respective roster of in-house developers, with Microsoft making sparks with the acquisitions of Bethesda e Activision Blizzard. Sony hasn’t been quite as aggressive, given the roster of studios already under its roof as Sucker Punch e Insomniacbut it has not remained on the sidelines, as evidenced by the recent purchase of Bungie. However, it seems that Sony has in mind to acquire too Square Enix. Or at least that’s what the founder of Eidos Montreal.

We remind you that the information contained within this article have not yet been confirmed from official sources.

Could Sony Buy Square Enix?

Square Enix Ucraina tech princess

The founder of Eidos Montreal, Stephane D’Astous, hinted that Sony might buy Square Enix during an interview with GamesIndustry. D’Astous said the sale of Eidos Montreal, Square Enix Montreal and Crystal Dynamics to the Swedish company Embracer Group is due, in part, to increasing pressures exerted from Japan on foreign developers to produce better commercial results.

He described the situation as a “slowing train” and in need of a new “injection of money”.

As for Sony, D’Astous said he was aware of some rumors. According to rumors, Sony may be interested, at the moment, only in the acquisition of the Tokyo studio Square Enix rather than the entire company.

“I’ve heard rumors that Sony has said they are really interested in Square Enix Tokyo, but not the rest,” D’Astous told GamesIndustry. “So, I think Square Enix CEO Yosuke Matsuda put it up for sale as a garage.”

A great deal

If we take a look at the list of titles the team of Square Enix Tokyo, it becomes clear why Sony seems to be interested in buying this studio. The team’s most important credits include, for example, several titles in the series Kingdom Heartsin particular the three main games in the series – although at the moment we don’t know if the team is also working on Kingdom Hearts 4.

However, we must keep in mind that those published by Square Enix Tokyo are considered, by criticism and come on players, i best triple A titles for single player, so for Sony it would be a good deal.

At the moment, however, neither company confirmed o denied the information above. We just have to wait for more information and cross our fingers.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.