GarageBand: ecco le Remix Sessions con Katy Perry e Seventeen thumbnail

GarageBand: ecco le Remix Sessions con Katy Perry e Seventeen

From now GarageBand for iPhone and iPad by Apple will include new ones Remix Sessions: one with Katy Perry and one with the supergroup K-pop Seventeen. Two new tracks to express the DJ in you, also thanks to the inspirations of the artists and an instruction video by a Apple Creative Pro.

Katy Perry e Seventeen arriva come Remix Sessions in-app di GarageBand

The Remix Session di GarageBand allow you to express the musical artist in you, even directly on iPhone or iPad. And from today you can have the free sessions of “Harleys in Hawaii” by Katy Perry and “Darl+ing” by SEVENTEENdownloadable directly from the GarageBand Sound Library.

In the library you will also find all the ‘bricks’ to make the mix you want, bringing the original songs in the direction you prefer. With the interface “Live Loops”Allows you to mix easily and intuitively, creating the ultimate drop.

Apple GarageBand Remix Sessions Sound Library Katy Perry big.jpg.large 2x min

In addition, Apple announces that there will be another session for Today at Apple events in Apple Stores around the world starting today. In fact, it arrives there Music Skill: Remix Katy Perry, where i Retail Creative Pro they will teach you how to best mix Harley in Hawaii with GarageBand. In the past, the Pros have taught to mix songs by Billie Eilish, Khalid, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and not only.

Instead Woozyartist of Seventeenexplains that “We have used GarageBand for years, so it’s an honor to partner with Apple on our Remix Sessions in GarageBand. Now our fans can create music the same way we do. We hope everyone enjoys remixing our song ‘Darl + ing’ with their sense of style. And we can’t wait for the Carats to share their final remix with us and the rest of the world ”.

Find more information about GarageBand on the official Apple website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.