Bayer lancia in Italia l'App TeraPiù, per seguire le terapie con facilità thumbnail

Bayer launches the TeraPiù App in Italy, to follow therapies with ease

Bayer Italia launch the new one App TeraPiù, which facilitates the treatment plan for all patients in a simple, free and personalized way. A necessary help, given that there are so many patients who do not properly follow the therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Bayer launches the TeraPiù App in Italy

50% of patients do not follow the prescribed therapies. The schedules are wrong, the antibiotics end when the symptoms end instead of ending the cycle. The result is that the effectiveness of the medicines decreases and the risk increases to have complications and relapses.

To help manage the treatment plan, Bayer is bringing the TeraPiù App to Italy. It is a smartphone application that has multiple functionalities for help you follow the treatment plan.

In particular:

  • Drug diary it is a function that memorizes the medications you need to take, showing you the therapeutic plan
  • Memorandum allows you to set different alerts and reminders that remind you to take the medicines, also indicating the doses. It also reminds you when a confection is about to end or expire
  • Values ​​of health, to keep track of blood pressure, cholestorol and other important values
  • Personalized advice, to focus on health and prevention
  • Physical activity and weightwith also pedometer and calorie burners
  • Therapy on the go, to manage your treatment plan even outside the home
  • Medical visits, to help you plan checks
  • My contacts, saving the contacts of doctors, pharmacies and family members who can assist

The app was born from Bayer’s direct confrontation with doctors, pharmacists and patients. It also leverages the skills of Personalive e Cherry Dataspin-off del Polihub of the Milan Polytechnico.

Giovanni Fenu, Country Division Head of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division in Italy, explains: “We are proud to have contributed to the birth of TeraPiù, a digital system that combines services, content and messages in a personalized way to improve therapeutic adherence. This project confirms our commitment to work alongside patients, caregivers and doctors to provide solutions that they can contribute to improving people’s lives and health “.

An app that is having success, as he explains he says Marco Giacosa, Digital & Innovation Manager IT of the Pharmaceuticals division of Bayer Italia and Head of the TeraPiù project. “Over 25 thousand downloads in a few months and the excellent reviews tell us that we are on the right track ”.

You can download the app from the links below.





Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.