LastPass, nuova violazione dei dati degli utenti thumbnail

LastPass, new user data breach

LastPass, new user data breach thumbnail

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There is no peace for LastPass: the CEO Karim Toubba communicated that the password manager suffered one new data breach. The company had already been hit by hackers this August and it seems that the information stolen then was used for the breach these days.

LastPass, new user data breach

On the LastPass blog, CEO Karim Toubba revealed that the company had encountered suspicious activity on a cloud storage service that LastPass shares with its parent company. GoTo (formerly known as LogMeIn). The company then contacted the security company Mandiant to verify the incident.

Together the two companies discovered that unauthorized hackers had accessed the cloud service using the information stolen from LastPass this summer. It also appears that the hackers gained access to “some elements” of customer information.

lastpass hacked password

In August, LastPass said hackers had accessed the company’s systems for four days. They had subtracted technical information and part of the source code. But they couldn’t touch the users’ passwords.

This time however it seems that they have had access to some information. But LastPass ensures that the passwords are remained encrypted and inaccessible. So everything remains functional and safe: you don’t need to change your passwords.

GoTo also claimed the infringement, while confirming that i services remained active and that there shouldn’t be any security issues for users. However, both companies will investigate the matter and provide further details, should the need arise.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.